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  1. B

    critically discuss, analyze and evaluate the relationship between ideology and...

    I do think that there is a difference between beliefs (ideology), convictions (political philosophy) and opinions. My ideology, based on God's Word, is fundamental and does not change with human ideas. My political philosophy may change based on new information, but it is admittedly pretty...
  2. B

    Y would nerdy Liberals try to save, protect public land so manly Conservatives

    The House approves a Senate-passed omnibus bill that puts 2 million more acres of energy-rich land off-limits. We need a government that leads us out of the energy wilderness and not into it. It took Moses 40 years to lead his people out of their wilderness to the Promised Land. The green lobby...
  3. B

    Would you pick up arms to save the US for Mexico?

    I would support border guards doing their duty and upholding the law to save us FROM Mexico.
  4. B

    Why haven't Repubs complained about all the times Bush spent pork?

    It really irked me when G.W. Bush tried to work with the Democrats to get legislation passed. He tried with the education bill, the farm bill and other bills with pork in them so that the Democrats would get things done. It irked me as a Conservative Republican because when Bush "crossed the...
  5. B

    Would you ever leave the house w/o your Apple iphone?

    I heard that Bill Gate's wife would even like to have an iphone.
  6. B

    Did the BUSH administration use HOLLYWOOD to focus on select people?

    It seems like all the corruption, deceipt and lawlessness is first thought up in Hollywood, then the people who act, play out the scenes in their daily lives. Hollywood is filled with hearts that need to change!
  7. B

    Will Obama be remembered in infamy, like Geral Ford?

    One June 1, 1975 - Gerald Ford tripped and fell from an airplane ramp when it was raining. He became a victim of humor for years! He also became a skilled practitioner of the art of joking about himself. On Monday, February 9th, Obama knocks his head on the door of Airforce One. Will Obama's...
  8. B

    Has Obama filled all the positions in his administration of Change and...

    Liberals seem to be upset with the seemingly moderate choices Barack Obama has made for his most visible Cabinet posts. So far, it looks like his administration might be considerably more centrist than anyone acquainted with his record and history had any right to hope.
  9. B

    To you what you think is the real religion?

    Real religion reflects reality. Word and reality have to match or you amputate description from fact.
  10. B

    why do evolutionists (or just people who believe in evolution) attack religion?

    Evolutionist seem to attack religious thought because it is a natural part of evolution to die, but they fear death. This doesn't make sense to them, so they tend to make fun of what they fear.
  11. B

    Spiritually Speaking what would Jesus think about celebrities?

    I was wondering the same thing about the B. Hussein Obama celebrity status which made girls faint. I'm pretty sure B. Hussein is a fake idol.
  12. B

    Spiritually Speaking what would Jesus think about celebrities?

    I was wondering the same thing about the B. Hussein Obama celebrity status which made girls faint. I'm pretty sure B. Hussein is a fake idol.
  13. B

    I was wondering if any republicans know how the ACORN rumor about Obama was started?

    Rumor, you say... oh, no. Check out your facts a little better. Barack Obama wasn't just the second-largest recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac political contributions. He was also the senator from ACORN, the activist leader for risky "affirmative action" loans. In the early 1990s, reports...
  14. B

    Iraq, lets hear from the DEMS. Without your normal ranting about Bush.?

    Democrats break into a cold sweat when they think the Iraq war may in fact be ended in victory. They have short-term memory problems & don't bother reading history books. The men and women who gave their lives are low in numbers compared to World War I or World War II, or the Viet Nam war. This...
  15. B

    why do some Christians say that Atheism is a religion, but not Christianity? o_O?

    They're thinking about a person's attempt to know God or or be a god. Christianity is God's attempt to allow people to know him... in a relationship with him. Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship.