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  1. P

    Christians, all things were made by Jesus (God) for Him. How can He not have

    God made all things good, but gave angels and human beings free will. Such deviations from God's will as the AntiChrist, and false religions like Islam are the result of men misusing that great gift.
  2. P

    If Judaism doesn't have an after life, then why does Christianity?

    Everyone has an afterlife. Some folks just don't know it. Yet.
  3. P

    Would it be weird or wrong if a Catholic were to convert to either Judaism or Islam?

    Since the Catholic Church is the one true Church founded for all mankind by God Himself, it would be a giant step backwards spiritually to abandon it for any mere manmade church. Judaism of course was also founded by God, but only as a prelude to Christianity, and the one Christian Church...
  4. P

    Catholics: Why do you mix pagan easter-egg hunts into the scriptural command to

    Such harmless activities are fun for kids. It is a cultural tradition, not a Catholic one. You do know that eggs have long been used as a symbol for resurrection - right? Anyway, why would you be concerned about what Christians do?
  5. P

    From the intertidal community of crabs mussels barnacles and starfish which are

    Some species from each of those 4 groups have been introduced, but there are hundreds of species in each of those groups.
  6. P

    Will your policy making decisions line up with the Truths of Jesus

    My policy making decisions line up with the Truths of Jesus Christ found in the Word of God, authoritatively and accurately interpreted. Anything less is just guesswork - otherwise known as Protestantism.
  7. P

    Did Mother Mary really love Jesus Christ?

    She was right there at the cross. Apparently they had no cause to kill her. And even if they did, her death would have been insignificant compared to His.
  8. P

    Is there a current prediction?

    At least a couple of dozen of them.
  9. P

    Do you believe in the 2012 prophecy?

    There is no prophecy. The 2012 nonsense is what you mean.
  10. P

    Do gays spread HIV more than straight ............thats what so many people say

    That's the way it started, but not any more. Which you would expect, given that they account for only 2% of the population.
  11. P

    Do these statistics show that Earthquakes are really increasing towards Biblical

    Earthquakes and volcanic activity in the distant past were hundreds of times greater than today.
  12. P

    Are Lutherans Orthodox Christians?

    Lutherans are Protestant Christians. In fact, they were the first Protestant denomination.
  13. P

    If Christ loved people, why did not he give a complete code of life ?

    I would be a better Christian if someone told me how to take a bath and which foot to step out of bed with???
  14. P

    Are all mammals which managed to find their way into an environment...

    Yes. Introduced doesn't necessarily mean intentionally introduced.
  15. P

    Christians, do you know about the hidden prophecies in Psalms ?

    Any verse can be interpreted a hundred different ways. That's why Christ gave us an infallible Church, so that we could have correct and authoritative interpretation of His holy Word, instead of just guessing our way into doctrinal chaos like Protestants do.
  16. P

    Can Islam exist alongside Judaism, Christianity and Democracy?

    Islam is committed to total world domination, not to co-existence with other religions.
  17. P

    how come people say if aliens exist than religion is wrong?

    Beats me! If God decided to create intelligent life on other planets in other solar systems, that is certainly His right. And our becoming aware of such beings wouldn't change the history of God's interaction with human beings on this planet in the slightest way.
  18. P

    What's best, to believe in a particular brand of religion, or leave out

    What good is believing in God if you don't DO anything about it? Religion is the outward expression of inner faith.