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  1. N

    How can i best serve ares/mars?

    First you figure out if it is Ares or Mars, because they are really quite different. That involves striving to understand the call you are feeling as well as understanding the myths and cultures of both figures. And if all you feel is "god of war," it might not be either of the two...
  2. N

    Is Judaism really a race?

    Race is an invented concept. Genetically speaking, two white people can be just as different from one another as a white person and a black person. We defined races according to a very few, select traits such as skin color. However, being Jewish is an ethnicity. In general, Jews are more...
  3. N

    Wicca with budda? Please help!?

    Nothing stops a Wiccan from honoring a Hindu deity. However, if you feel a strong bond with Ganesh, you want to ask yourself if Wicca or Hinduism might be the better vehicle for you. (And I'm not pushing you one way or the other) Regardless of your religion, worshiping the Buddha is silly...
  4. N

    Pagnism: any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or

    Paganism is anything non-Judeo-Christian. Hinduism is most definitely pagan. However, many pagans do not self-identify as pagan because the definition is based on a negative. Hindus want to be known as Hindus, not as non-Judeo-Christians. People who self-identify as "pagan" are generally...
  5. N

    What can I do about my friend and her boyfriends PDA?

    Either put up with it or stop hanging around her. You've already confronted her. You've told her that she isn't being very good company. if she's choosing her BF constantly over you, stop feeling obligated to hang out with her. If she wants to hang out with you, she'll be forced to grow up...
  6. N

    What country is the home of the Islamic Religion?

    Arabia, and there's no "technically" involved with our relationship with them. They are allies. They give us land for military bases on their soil. Get over it.
  7. N

    Is not atheism a faith just like every other religion...?

    No. Atheism is a lack of faith. Frequently its not even a belief in a negative. It is merely a lack of belief. By your argument, having a dog, having a cat, and not having a dog could all be counted as "having a pet."
  8. N

    What religions were King Henry IIIV's wives?

    Catherine of Aragon was clearly Catholic. Anne Boelyn is harder to categorize. She was raised Catholic and kept many Catholic beliefs, but she also called for reform and associated strongly with the Lutherans. Jane Seymour is generally portrayed as a protestant (in part because family members...
  9. N

    Which the biggest religion about...?

    Christianity is the largest religion in the world and should remain so in the next 30 years. Islam is the second biggest, and it continues to grow.
  10. N

    what if all religions are true?

    That would only mean portions of all religions are true, since some religions specifically state that other religions are wrong, that their gods are false. Also, afterlife beliefs are frequently not religion specific. If only Christians go to heaven or hell, then Christianity is wrong about...
  11. N

    Why is Scientology any worse than any other Religion?

    Less rediclous, perhaps not. My objections are with the practices, not the beliefs, Most religions do not demand you repeatedly pay for very expensive proceedures, and I know of no other religion that has an official policy of harrassing members who are not in good standing with the church...
  12. N

    Do you get as much exercise from a comfort bike as a "fitness" bike?

    I'm upgrading from a lousy little Huffy to a "real bike." (shopping in the $400 range) The original goal was to find a bike that let me sit more upright, and I've found a comfort bike that is, in fact, really comfortable and upright. However, several salespeople have told me that you don't get...
  13. N

    What religion is it where the men wear tassels on their shirt?

    There is a religion called Baha'i, but I don't know anything about it. Sorry. Jews do have a rule about ritual dress with fringe called tzitzit. that might be what you're looking for. Numb 15:38 (BBE) Say to the children of Israel that through all their generations they are to put on the...
  14. N

    Wiccans: Did all the Wiccan books before the 1980s claim Wicca was an

    All the ones that I'm familiar with did...although they didn't necessarily call what they were talking about "Wicca" either, which complicates your question. The one possibility might be books by Isaac Bonewits. I don't have any of his old books but he's been supporting the "Wicca is modern"...