Search results

  1. H

    Samsung galaxy 3 V.S Iphone 5?

    I am wanting ti buy a new phone and I can't decide on what to get. Can you answer these questons for me? How much alike or these two phones? Can you get apps/ games just like the iphone? Do you have data plans? If so are they unlimted to where I could watch video's. Please let me know of any...
  2. H

    What ares some Good teen books?

    Here is a HUGE range of books that I have either enjoyed or haven't yet gotten the chance to read. I know that you won't like all, but this is my own book list that I have made for myself. Most are books that a teenager would like. Anyways... I hope I kind of help you out. (: (please ignore the...
  3. H

    What do I do with Epileptic dog who has seizures every week?

    My 2 year old, 120 lb. male Rhodesian Ridgeback has a seizure once every week to two weeks. A few times he has had one the next day. He is on two meds now and our vet says we need to take him to a specialist. We are running out of money. What can we do?
  4. H

    What are good fashion tips for a small lady with small chest?

    I am a 30 year old woman who has always been tiny. I am 5'1'', always weighed 100 lbs and worn b cup bra. But I gave birth about a year ago and have lost my chest to now a size a cup and probably a little less than 100 lbs. What are some things a girl like me should be wearing? I'm clueless :)
  5. H

    How do I deal with my mom?

    I have a 14 month old son, a husband and a father who cares for our son while at work. My mom is- we believe- bipolar or something similar. She claims disability so she doesn't work. She is now Muslim, was Jewish 3 years ago, and Christian before that. She picks on me about my son. She wants him...
  6. H

    Where do I get the converter box for my T.V. before 2/17?

    No, we don't have cable. We've saved so much by not having it, but now we have to get the converter box? Where do we get this? Thanks for your help!
  7. H

    how do u stop rumors happening about u?

    there is this stupid rumor about me that the most popular guys at school made up. And its really bad!!! so how do i end it?
  8. H

    What do you think about the Israelis attacking a UN aid truck and schools?

    Do you think it is merely collateral damage, a bad move by the Israelis, or do you think the UN had no business being there? Do you think the newspapers are blowing it out of proportion to paint a negative image of Israel, or do you think their comments have merit? Link to the UN aid truck and...
  9. H

    What do you think about MMA with no weight class?

    I'm not asking if you think weight classes should be dropped, rather, what do you think of an MMA tournament with no weight classes? Do you think the big guy will usually win? Also, what rules could be modified to give the smaller guys a better chance to win? And do you know any weight...
  10. H

    Would you like to see an MMA made into a TMA?

    For example, let's say masters from Wrestling, Boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ, Judo, and Karate got together (I just picked these at random). They select the most effective moves in their respective art/sport, and create a whole new discipline people can learn. It seems that it would be more efficient...
  11. H

    Can you answer me something about the skill level of MMA fighters vs TMA masters?

    I really just don't get it. I have long time practitioners telling me about all the great skill you can get by pursuing a martial art for a lifetime, or at least a very long time. And then I flip on the TV, and here are guys in their 20's to early 30's mopping the floor with people. I bet the...
  12. H

    Why don't Israel and Palestine have one giant war?

    I'm not suggesting they do, but I'm wondering why all the peace treaties they know will break, all the skirmishes and attacks all over? Why haven't they just admitted they are at war, and go to it? I mean, all they are doing now is fighting war like a boxing match, with a small rest in between...
  13. H

    How do I put music onto my lg chocolate from windows media player?

    Hi Iv tried to put music on my lg chocolate and once, it seemed like i had done it but it wasn't on my phone, and if it was, I couldn't find it. Can you help?!
  14. H

    For MMA, is it better to have more height and less weight, or visa versa?

    Taller and leaner usually gives you advantages as far as having more stamina to last the rounds, and can give you a better visual vantage point as well as a longer reach. On the other side, a short, stocky fighter will usually have more strength, and can absorb more punishment. But does one...
  15. H

    Can a gay guy fall for a woman?

    I have a really close guy friend. We are so compatible on many levels & he has told me so. He also told me I'm his best friend and has just moved to share a place with me. Now he tells me we're soul mates. When I talk of travelling or vacation, he wants to come with me. We spend hours together &...
  16. H

    Can a guy who is gay fall for a woman?

    I have a really close guy friend. We are so compatible on many levels & he has told me so. He also told me I'm his best friend and has just moved to share a place with me. When I talk of travelling or vacation, he wants to come with me. We spend hours together & time flies. He prefers hanging...
  17. H

    Is Uwe Boll a higher budget version of Llyod Kaufman?

    The more I watch these movies, the more I see in common. I recently watched Postal (Boll) and couldn't help but notice how much like a high budget Troma film it looked like. What do you think?
  18. H

    What is your favorite type of ring for MMA?

    I prefer ones with a good amount of size and a cage. The boxing ring like ones seem too small, and the action always ends up on the ropes, which sucks because the ref stops the fight and drags them to the center. Talk about killing the momentum.
  19. H

    Poll: What is your ringtone?

    never gonna give you up - rick astley :)
  20. H

    Where I can download Rihanna-Disturbia polyphonic melody for....?

    I need it to read the sheet music in Noteworthy Composer(a program for composing music)I don't need it for my phone.So where i can download it for free?