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  1. C

    how many gospel did jesus christ preach?

    Salvation 1 gospel what does the catholic bible have to do with anything?
  2. C

    Is there a Pope like figure in Judaism?

    Yeah, he is called G-D...
  3. C

    Atheists America is a Christian nation founded by Christians on Christian...

    Mayflower compact and the pilgrims fleeing religious persecution from the papacy and the church of england... that sure sounds like christian principles to me.
  4. C

    The religion of peace uses child suicide bombers. Is that peace?

    that is how satan leads people down a wrong path....
  5. C

    Does the vicar of Christ, the Bishop of Rome, the PaPa of the Holy Roman...

    He is not the vicar of Revelations and the truth of RCC has been known for centuries but has been swept under the rug with everything else.
  6. C

    Jews: What if Jesus fulfills all the prophecies when he comes back?

    All prophecy has been fulfilled...we are in the last days so we are just about to the end of the story when the King of Kings returns for his bride.....
  7. C

    Christian religions please answer?

    we wash each others feet because Christ washed the feet of the diciples.... that is why it is done in connection with gives the whole aspect of communion , Christ and the diciples the last supper, a much clearer picture in my mind... the women go to a seperate area and the men...
  8. C

    good introduction and conclusion about prophecies?

    go to all your answers are there...
  9. C

    what is deen? what is the difference between deen and maddhab (religion)?

    you are lost and we are not interested in what ever you are babbling about...
  10. C

    how do you rate the authenticity of islamic prophet and his religion?

    hahaha not worth rating...beware of false prophets and false teachers....
  11. C

    What can I do to get my two mid fingers back to normal. I just removed d cast two...

    do the dishes... the hot water and squishing the dish sponge and washing a plate or something over and over. put your hand on the bottom of the sink flat and scrub around... hope that creative... fill the sink and squish out some works... play dough, tennis ball...