Search results

  1. S

    Nutrition supplement and vitamens questions?

    You can safely take all 3 of those together as there is no interaction between them. Personally, I believe that vitamin supplements are useful for supplementing a normal healthy diet but they can never replace a normal healthy diet. It is very hard to get all the nutrients you need even from a...
  2. S

    Is Ultimate Nutrition 100% whey protein safe for me ( im 16 years old)?

    Too much protein can lead to kidney damage. You can get adequate protein from meat, poultry, sea food, eggs and dairy products so you don't really need a protein supplement. Most people probably consume too much protein. The healthy food pyramid indicates that the bulk of your calories...
  3. S

    Is Ultimate Nutrition 100% whey protein safe for me ( im 16 years old)?

    Too much protein can lead to kidney damage. You can get adequate protein from meat, poultry, sea food, eggs and dairy products so you don't really need a protein supplement. Most people probably consume too much protein. The healthy food pyramid indicates that the bulk of your calories...
  4. S

    help me come up with interesting topics on health?

    One interesting health topic would be whether or not vitamins extend your lifespan.
  5. S

    Reading the Total Fats on Nutrition labels...?

    Saturated fat and trans fats are supposed to be the worst fats. Trans fats are hydrogenated unsaturated fats and become saturated fats during the hydrogenation process. Trans fats are often added to processed foods as preservatives. Although unsaturated fats are supposed to be healthy fats...
  6. S

    How do you find passion in life?Or Getting interested in hobbies for recreation?...?

    If you want to find some fulfillment in life or a reason to justify your existence perhaps you could take up some charity work such as helping people who are in need of help.
  7. S

    Do u have a healthy lifestyle? also, does your family eat healthy food?

    It sounds like your family is totally disinterested in healthy food and junk food seems to be part of their culture. As soon as you are financially capable perhaps you should move out as that situation at home is unlikely to change. Unfortunately problem parents are probably equally common as...
  8. S

    How healthy is my diet? Do I eat too many fruits and vegetables? ?

    That combination is a very healthy diet as it includes adequate protein (eggs, yogurt and chicken) and plenty of carbohydrates these being complex carbohydrates (rice and salads) and simple carbohydrates (fruit). Rice is mostly starchy carbohydrates and salads are mostly cellulosic...
  9. S

    Help! I need extreme help with nutrition!?

    Four very healthy diets that you may perhaps wish to investigate are the Mediterranean diet, the Pritikin diet, the Okinawa diet and a vegetarian or vegan diet.
  10. S

    How tall will I be?

    You will probably peak at 5'5 at the age of 15 when girls usually stop growing. Your ideal weight would be 115 lbs so below 95 could be regarded as underweight and above 135 lbs could be regarded as overweight. Your weight is fine and you are most definitely NOT fat. Your shoe size could be...
  11. S

    Using the Internet as a dictionary?

    If you want to use the Internet as a dictionary all you need to do is to type in define ------ in the search slot. My impression is that a lot of people are not aware of this Internet searching feature. Am I right or wrong?