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  1. D

    Why does Carnival Cruise Lines have such a strict age policy?

    because you arent classed as an adult yet
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    Can you get into trouble for exposing yourself on chatroulette?

    yes it is illegal to expose yourself anywhere like that
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    Buying an 18 month old boy a play cooking set....?

    its fine ,the worlds best chefs are men,kids love mixing and making mud pies and generally a mess,they play with these in sandpits and paddling pools also.let him have fun. he will play with stuff like this at pre school.anyway
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    Am I the only one with this sense of humor.?

    your age - 5 says it all,
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    What happens if you are caught in the UK driving on a provisional licence alone?

    well if you are driving on a provisional license and of course no insurance you will get 6 points a ban and loose you licene and have to do a retest.what a waste of time and money
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    Bring ITV back to Formula one?

    what with all those crappy adverts i dont think so,and why not Button he is british and so is BBc
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    i have punctured the freezer comparment defrosting can i still use the fridge?

    no and you are in danger of the gasses now ,get it outside now
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    Lymphoma Question????

    go and get a mammogram now,
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    Why is the celebrity wedding of the century between a racist and a jailbird?

    how heartless you are,i hope you never find yourself in this situation
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    Help with cockatiel/pet shop.?

    yes please report this shop now and tell them the whole story,also write to them and to your local trading standards office at your local council offices,they need to be stopped from trading now.and you will remain annoymous
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    My Renault Clio is stuck in ice.Any suggestions of getting moving.?

    cat litter is good,i have same problem at moment but as i have no cat litter i am sitting it out for a few more hours
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    how warm do baby fish need? how hard is the air supply, like direct air or a...

    my baby guppies live happily in the same tank as mother and all rest,if they are lost they have been eaten
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    Whats this i hear about a celebrity big brother??

    it starts on january 2nd
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    Who went out of im a celeb?

    nobody last night