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  1. J

    i know someone who created a fake facebook and did a joke on someone and that...

    hey when facebook gets done with the oddball change,s it said its going to be making it will be a joke
  2. J

    I wonder if my Motorola Bluetooth H720 is a fake?

    I recently had an earpiece replaced and the new one looks different from the old one. The boxes are identical but the new earpiece has 2 chrome buttons on the front and the old had 1. I called Motorola and they said they did not know! Help!
  3. J

    Do you avoid ALL religions?

    my thats a good one.... if u don't fallow anything.... then u don't.... i don't fallow anything.... all i no there is an after life some where... but who no's whats lie or not... all it is what we base r own discussion on and what we want to fallow
  4. J

    1994 mazda b3000 pickup?

    the front part of the leaf spring holder broke off vehicle and shot up to the bottom of truck bed. does anyone know what the part is that holds leaf spring in place. vehicle wont drive with any stability and have no idea what to do.
  5. J

    1994 mazda b3000 truck?

    today i was driving and went over the railroad tracks and i heard something bad coming from left rear of vehicle after that. shocks are good but on the left side in front of rear tire it looks like something came off side of frame. something definately broke off as there was only a two inch...
  6. J

    2001 Kia Spectra Door Panel won't come off?

    is it just that one door that wont open?? try the other door. you could try the trunk to, and then fold the seats down and climb in. if you cant do any of that, then i don't know what to say. Good luck i guess. call AAA or something
  7. J

    Is the VW Jetta a good car?

    I would like a new car and went out looking. today i went for a test drive of the VW Jetta. I loved it. The car was so nice, but have heard that VW has some reliability issues. anyone know of this to be true. Please let me know what you think of the car, and other suggestions i should look...
  8. J

    if you can see sprark coming from the distributer and car will just turn over and

    not start bad distributer ? it starts sometimes but not regulary
  9. J

    Does South Africa have laws forbidding drivers from using mobile phones while...

    ...behind the wheel? I have seen that it is a common practise in South Africa to see drivers using mobile phones while driving.It seems like no one really cares and looking at the number of accidents happening is alarming
  10. J

    where are the back door child safety locks on 1996 toyota corolla ?

    cant find child safety locks 1996 toyota corolla
  11. J

    Was the November 10th, 1997 Raw the 1st time DX used their "Break It Down" theme?

    Was the November 10th, 1997 Raw the 1st time DX used their "Break It Down" theme? My WWE 24/4 wasn't working for a little while so I don't know if it was this Raw or the one before it that they debuted their theme. Thanks for the help.
  12. J

    can you charge computers with USB Cell battery?

    I was just wondering
  13. J

    what to do to meet some one when your classed over the hill?

    at the age of 50+ been on date sites and not found the bond were looking for what can one do next
  14. J

    littlebigplanet with my hearted levels?

    how do i find the levels that i have hearted??
  15. J

    My internet is so slow but b4 it was fast?

    i need help, my internet that i have as always been fast but just recently it has been going so slow. I dont have many programs running and i have already restarted my dsl box. Any ideoas why it is so slow, i have alreay ran my anti virus and adware softowre but nothing comes up.
  16. J

    how hook up wireless internet on a desktop?

    You need to purchase a PCI wireless adapter for your desktop. Install it in an available PCI slot on you motherboard, install drivers from CD that comes with it. I suggest getting a n-draft type as it is much faster.
  17. J

    I find it hard to belive that some terroist high jacked the planes on 9/11

    what do you think? I am an american and i dont support Al Qaeda