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  1. W

    FOR: New, or Old Fashioned?

    I'm more of a traditionalist. But my daughters middle name is Ashlee (she was born way before anyone knew of Ashlee Simpson, so it wasn't because of her). But her first name is Sara. If you like the "new" names, I'd use them as middle names, paired with a more traditional first name.
  2. W

    FOR: New, or Old Fashioned?

    I'm more of a traditionalist. But my daughters middle name is Ashlee (she was born way before anyone knew of Ashlee Simpson, so it wasn't because of her). But her first name is Sara. If you like the "new" names, I'd use them as middle names, paired with a more traditional first name.
  3. W

    Do you get annoyed when people in the U.S. complain about living here?

    I'd like to tell them to pack their crap and move to Pakistan if they think the U.S is so bad.
  4. W

    Has fashion and culture from the ealy 2000s become absolete?

    The early 2000's had funky fashion and primitive ways of doing things? I'm officially............old.
  5. W

    On the issue of abortion, liberals argue that women have the right to control...

    Don't know. Other people's sexual business is none of mine.
  6. W

    Has it been proven or disproven that poor nutrition equates to lower test

    scores and academic performance? A question was posted about vending machines in schools.;_ylt=AihE8hnHJwlSvuwaFQb7z1rsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101211111234AA6jHUV And it was argued that "Obesity is not near the threat to society that stupidity is" which got me...
  7. W

    what religion allows men to have more than one wife?

    Mormons haven't been able to have multiple wives for well over 100 years. I live in Utah, the only people who practice polygamy are fundamentalists and they are excommunicated from the LDS church.
  8. W

    Why do liberals whine a lot?

    You're whining about people whining.. Oh, the irony.
  9. W

    "Muslims attacked us on 9/11." Those Muslims were also Homo sapiens. Are all

    What I don't get is that 15 of the 19 were Saudi Arabian. Why the hell is no one saying we were attacked by Saudi's????
  10. W

    What do you make of Glenn Beck's proclomation that..?

    God came to him in the form of geese flying over head?
  11. W

    When people say they look for someone with a sense of humor?

    People who laugh easily don't take things as seriously as those who rarely laugh, therefore they're not as uppity. A sense of humor is like beauty, it all depends on the beholder. What's funny to me, won't always be funny to others.
  12. W

    Which of these dishes would you prefer (please indicate if you are male/female):?

    Hmm... I'd have sushi as an appetizer followed by the succulent tandoori chicken. Mmm...Japaindian.
  13. W

    Joey logano..How do you rate his rookie season so far,do you think hes

    He's right where he should be for a rookie. And a rookie that never had a full season in Nationwide competition at that. I think he'll be a contender within the next few seasons.
  14. W

    What do you think it shows, that women get "harassed" even on internet sights...

    I've been on Y/A for 2 years, and I've had a few harassment issues.. I think the men who have harassed me are jerks and I think the women who have harassed me are just as bad.
  15. W

    What do you think it shows, that women get "harassed" even on internet sights...

    I've been on Y/A for 2 years, and I've had a few harassment issues.. I think the men who have harassed me are jerks and I think the women who have harassed me are just as bad.
  16. W

    What do you think it shows, that women get "harassed" even on internet sights...

    I've been on Y/A for 2 years, and I've had a few harassment issues.. I think the men who have harassed me are jerks and I think the women who have harassed me are just as bad.
  17. W

    Why are girls consumed with gossip?

    Now-a-days? That's pretty much how it was when I was in high school, too. That was 20 years ago.. It's called immaturity, all kids go through it. Boys aren't much better, trust me. I have teenagers..
  18. W

    Why are girls consumed with gossip?

    Now-a-days? That's pretty much how it was when I was in high school, too. That was 20 years ago.. It's called immaturity, all kids go through it. Boys aren't much better, trust me. I have teenagers..
  19. W

    What is the statute of limitations for complaining about past "abuses"?

    I was beaten by my mom's ex-boyfriend when I was five, had to go to the ER...I'm 36, it still haunts me a bit. I don't really think I complain about it, but it definitely haunts. On your scenario, yeah...way past the expiration date.