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  1. Q

    15 year old trying to gain muscle?

    im a tall 15 year old kid with no muscle /: and i was wondering what kind of excercises should i do to gain muscle? what food should i eat? im about 6 foot tall and weigh about 120-130lbs? i eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter everyday is that enough or do i need more?
  2. Q

    The LG Rumor cellphone....?

    Everyone who has Sprint at my school has it. -It's cheap. -Easy to use. -Has a camera. -Slides open for a quick text. -Not to big or to small. I love the Rumor best phone I have ever had. :]
  3. Q

    Girls what would you do if you were picked up in a car like this for homecoming?

    ok so my dad finally gave me his 63 chevy impala and well homecoming is well coming up and i got a date [; but she doesnt know what kinda car i drive what would you do if you were picked up in a car like this for homecoming.
  4. Q

    Girls what if i picked up for homecoming in a car like this?

    ok so my dad finally gave me his 63 chevy impala and well homecoming is well coming up and i got a date [; but she doesnt know what kinda car i drive what would you do if road to homecoming in a car like this?
  5. Q

    do you think older consoles like nintendo are better than the new consoles?

    I Love Colecovision Best To Play The Orginal Donkey Kong On :]]]