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  1. L

    Would Kaya Couture be a good name for a fashion blog?

    I'm creating a fashion blog for my friends and community and stuff. I thought of the name Kaya Couture. Kaya means pure in greek( I've always loved this name) and couture is basically high fashion. but the negative for this is that I don't want people to think I'm copying off of Juicy Couture...
  2. L

    Raw Predictions?

    imagine, the legacy vs undertaker, and bam!!! kane arrives to assist his brother, i don't know but its gonna be awesome
  3. L

    Raw Predictions?

    imagine, the legacy vs undertaker, and bam!!! kane arrives to assist his brother, i don't know but its gonna be awesome
  4. L

    hey does anyone know how?

    to send pictures from your computer to your phone? i have verizon LG Envy.. lol i would really be thankful