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  1. P

    Any Good Fashion/Design Games For PC?

    Does Anyone Know Of Any???
  2. P

    How can I download or otherwise get copies of missing TV shows that are not...

    ...offered on itunes or on DVD? I'm constantly missing TV shows like Don't Forget the Lyrics and FOX does not offer them on itunes or anwhere like that. There are also other netowrks such as Planet Green and HGTV who don't make there shows available on DVD or itunes. I've tried youtube and they...
  3. P

    How do you get rid of red bumps on your butt?

    So, I have red bumps on my butt. Its not acne or anything. It is just always there, eventually some bumps will go away but then more will replace them. I'm not sure if it has to do with sweat, but I have them year round. I mean they don't hurt or anything, and i never have more than ten. Its...
  4. P

    Internet Explorer has encountered a problem & needs to close when sometimes I

    download files. Why the message? I just upgraded from ME to XP and encountered this problem when trying to download files from websites. what does it mean and how can I resolve this issue?