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  1. C

    Girls would you think this joke is funny if a guy told it too you...?

    I didn't laugh at it but it wasn't the worst ever.
  2. C

    i used a wireless internet laptop, to send a prank letter to my teacher,...

    ...can it be traced? i used a laptop, wireless internet, and a fake email created on gmail. can i be traced????? can it be traced if the email address is deleted before the opening of the email??? if so , how do you delete gmail account??????
  3. C

    Can i return an XBOX 360 console back to Gamestop?

    Ive never herd of anywhere called Gamestop but i know you can return consoles to game.
  4. C

    Can I use a Chihuahua/Beagle mix for hunting?

    It's probly possible but i think you have to get one of those HUGE dogs for hunting. BYE BYE!! Hope i helped
  5. C

    What is your internet homepage?

    Mozilla fire fox
  6. C

    When there is a guy..? Help please!!?

    There's this guy in my class and his name is joel. He has been in my class seince kindergarden. I have a massive crush on him. He's pretty much class clown. What should i do to make him notice me more?
  7. C

    what are some cheap fun things to do in the hollywood area?

    go to the really big mall ripley's belive it or not wax museum the world record museum see a show in the big theater go to the disney cafe there you go
  8. C

    How do i find name combiners on the internet i really need to know! please?

    Ok, so i really want to know if there is a site where you can combine 4 peoples names, like my name is caity and my friends name is claire so someting like caitclar but better, if you get what i mean, because we are trying to think of a name for our youtube show.. btw our names are Caitlin...
  9. C

    My boss promised us holiday pay, but on my check, it wasn't there. Now he says

    we're NOT getting it. HELP! I mean, there has to be some kind of law, right?
  10. C

    I recorded a VHS to DVD and need a codec for Windows Movie Maker. Where do I

    find this specific code? I have a home video that I have copy to DVD. I was wanted to make a highlight DVD using my Windows Movie Maker and it is saying I need a certain codec, I have found the website Movie Maker suggested but I have no clue which one I need! Please help!
  11. C

    can you get married to the grandma/mid-wife/mayor's wife in harvest moon?

    in harvest moon 64 can you marry one of them? and how do you get the party picture? i have 75% of the land filled with grass.
  12. C

    wireless internet card for laptop...?

    i'm traveling to italy for 4 months and staying in an apartment. i want to be able to have internet access in my apartment on my laptop (macbook). i was reading about all of the wireless internet data card and stuff from phone providers, but those seem really expensive and with data roaming and...