Search results

  1. B

    Does it annoy you when people argue more passionately about music than social

    Yes. Oh My Gosh. (pun intended) *lol* Really, let me get this straight....some people can go on and on for _days_ about "what's dubstep" and what's not, or what's "metal" and what's not, or what's "country" and what's not... But when it comes time to actually talk about and think about oh...
  2. B

    Why do some people have no sense of humour or irony?

    I think it has a little bit to do with how babies learn to laugh. Really, if you look at how babies are held and played with by their parents in _healthy_ ordinary families, you'll see it. Laughter happens when you see something that _might_ appear odd, threatening, awkward or...
  3. B

    Poll: what do u order at taco bell?

    I don't eat there often enough to know the menu, sorry. I generally keep it simple--get the combo with the three Hard Shell Tacos (or Taco Supremes) and the drink. Sometimes if I feel like I'm hungry I'll get two of the combos--it looks weird but the tacos are themselves small. But yeah, I'm...
  4. B

    John Constantine is returning to the DC Universe proper. What do you think?

    Honestly, I think it's _meant_ to be one more sign that it's "the beginning of the end" for the current DCU setup. That DC Comics in general is going to dump _everything_ they plan on erasing or getting rid of into the current Earth-Zero setup, and then beyond some point soon, all they will...
  5. B

    Has P&S had a sense of Humour bypass?

    Ask the humanoids on the Suggestion Boards. They _live_ to harass us and make us paranoid, if anyone would know, they would. Not that they'll admit it--they hardly even use Answers proper aside from their Reporter Trolling. But yeah, that's it basically. We've had the humor bypass by way of...
  6. B

    What would you do if you saw two muscular well built Black guys arguing

    Assume they had recently got out of prison--the tats are a giveaway on that--and that they hadn't got over the "top bunk/bottom bunk" business yet. *lol* But seriously. ^__^ This is probably one of those things--two people of color talking about how _they'd do better_ in a horror-movie...
  7. B

    Is there anyone in the world that hates ultimate fighting and mixed martial arts?

    Hate is a strong word there. Let me just say this much: I'm not fond of how it started, or how it turned out. --Ok, so honestly, in the lare 1980s and early 1990s, traditional martial arts like karate and aikido (and to be fair, Judo too), needed a counter balance. Somebody did need to show...
  8. B

    Do you feel like ranting about anything right now?

    Do I? Gee, I dunno, that's a hard one to figure out. *lol* ^_^ I agree with most of what "L." above me said. Beyond that: It just bugs the pissall right out of me that so many people just um...can't? refuse to? Won't? Yeah, that they will not be bothered to listen to any real facts or...
  9. B

    television show. martial arts teacher that taught street kids.?

    Black Sash, on what became the CW? The teacher was a kung-fu guy, apparently teaching bagua-zhang, and he had a troubled past of his own. Show wasn't even on a whole season though because the show was really dark, somber, borderline depressing. I was sad to see it go though--the martial arts...
  10. B

    Paper-Cut Survey: When you are shopping for holiday greeting cards....?

    ....and you find one that is just perfect, ok. And then you pick it up, put it in your shopping basket, and as you do it the thing gives you a *Paper cut* and makes your thumb bleed, ok... Do you go ahead and buy the card that bit you? *lol* Or do you gently put it back and try to get one...
  11. B

    survey on sci-fi....?

    I'm Bradley, an Adult male. More info is in my Answers Profile. And I'm torn, between an old favorite and a new inspiration. It's a tie. The Old Favorite: 1) _Blade Runner_. 2) Decadent and Gritty. 3) This movie impressed me because the setting was *so* well-conceived and realistic. Every...
  12. B

    Do you like Taco Bell?

    Not usually, but sometimes, like once in a blue moon I'll get some. Chalupas....just the beef/Supreme variety. Those are good and yeah, I get the sour cream too, why not? Ditto with the tacos, just get the Supreme, hard-shell version. I'm not hard to amuse here. ^_^ I'm a cheap date.
  13. B

    Can you fly like an eagle . and.does time keep on slipping into the future?

    Heh. ^__^ I know about the time-slipping part, and yes it does. Unfortunately, no, I don't get to fly like an eagle....or even like a turkey buzzard I suppose. *lol* o_o Not enough spirit left to carry me. I wish I could though....but hey, who doesn't? Just my two cents.
  14. B

    have you ever tried ending every sentence with " according to the prophecy"?

    No, according to the prophecy, because my life isn't that important or special...according to the damned prophecy. Really. Do you want me feeling even *more* bummed about myself, according to the prophecy, and even more of a failure than usual, just by thinking that all of this was...
  15. B

    SURVEY: If you had a pair of Networked Glasses, connected to the Internet...?

    ...such that you could *Keyword search* everything you see, even to the point of bookmarking it (taking a simple picture of it) for future reference, would you use these things? Would you be more likely to search things up or just take snapshots? And...what would you use each function for?
  16. B

    Have you ever gotten into a fistfight with a celebrity?

    No, but for a modest fee, I will get myself into halfway decent shape and *tool on* one Chris Brown, for six rounds of Toughman Boxing. *lol evilly* >_< Really, what he did to his ex-girlfriend wasn't cool if the pics that got leaked are genuine and not photoshopped...I'd get even with him...
  17. B

    Help and Tips for my 10 gallon fish tank?

    I got a 10 gallon fish tank and it is cycling as we speak. I am getting 2 male guppies, 2 dwarf gouramis, 1 ADF and a couple shrimp. Are there any other small coummunity fish that I can put in my tank?
  18. B

    If Apple came out with a Video Game Console Wat Would it be called?

    iGame, iPlay, iVision (only if Mattel gave up the Intellivision rights, but hey...). And yeah, if the price was reasonable I'd buy one. That, and if it wasn't chiclet-ware like the other game systems out there--let's have some real controllers grown-up hands can use, please. Of course, that's...
  19. B

    Poll: Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Subway or Wendy's?

    In my order of preference: --Wendy's, --Burger King, --Subway, --Mickey D's, --Taco Bell. Thing is....Wendy's is first, BK and Subway are pretty solidly *tied* at 2nd, Mickey D's is third place and Taco Bell....ehh, it's drifting down somewhere around 8th place after chinese food, sorry. I...
  20. B

    Why wont my air fan come on in my truck when i turn it on?

    In My 1989 Dodge Dakota