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  1. O

    How cheap can you get a normal desktop for? Just to go on fb, youtube, etc?

    not a gaming one just a normal one i want one for gaming and one to just go on
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    If you marry someone who needs citizenship and you live together but do not...

    You will need overwhelming evidence that your marriage is "bona fide" to prove to the immigration officer at your interview. This evidence includes joint bank accounts, joint lease, joint tax returns, joint utility bills, phone call records, tons of pix of your wedding or of the two of you just...
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    Just got green card, do I need US passport to travel abroad?

    Your Colombian passport and your green card will grant you re entry to the US.
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    what will T-Mobile replace my broken g1 with?

    I have the insurance from t-mobile that covers damage, theft, or loss, but if i claim the insurance will t-mobile replace it with another g1 or the new g2?
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    How does God choose which football team to support when his believers

    pray for them all to win? Does prayer in support of football teams degrade religion?
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    if i am talking to a french pen pal, in order to improve my english,...

    You both want to improve English and you ask this dumb question! English of course Numb Nuts
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    Isn't it funny how...?

    i can relate to that
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    Survey: When you say "No homo"..?

    no, i like my milk to be homogenized
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    Survey: When you say "No homo"..?

    no, i like my milk to be homogenized
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    Game on DS kind of like 'Touch Physics' on iPhone?

    I heard that there was a game on DS that is similar to Touch Physics on the iPhone - I really liked touch physics and want another version...
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    When you were in school did you have internet and cell access?

    no internet or cell phones or computers...personal computers were new on the scene when i was in school and were not really owned by individuals, they were used by some businesses and in college you could use one at the library or in a computer lab. that was when floppy discs were actually...
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    Don't visit this website, you might learn something. (what)? Obama goes there six times a day, to know what his opposition is up to.
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    Can I drill a hole in a plexiglass fish tank?

    With the proper settings, proper drill bit, proper drill, yes. Very carefully, slowly., as not to crack it.
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    When was the last time you heard the "Ice Cream Truck" in your neighborhood?

    Ahhhh the memory. It was just last summer at my son's in Wichita. My little grandson(18 months old then) and I stopped him and bought some ice cream cones. But ya know.....somehow it just wasn't the same. I don't know if it was being in the city, or because it wasn't the 1960's. Anyway, it was...
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    Help, I need folders in my iPhone.?

    I just got an iphone and I want a separate folder for all my new songs. I dont want to use playlist because I mainly go in music(its easier). I also have songs that arnt english and want to separate them.
  16. O

    .Do you hate gossip moms?

    no i love gossip
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    Dont you hate when people complain about what they should do in the game, when...

    Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
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    If worse came to worse and all the supermarkets closed for a month would...

    Been doin' that as long as I can remember.
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    is there a place on the internet to sell good horse's cheep?

    my wife has two horse;s and she isnt able to spend the time with them that thay need any longer so she is trying to sell them to a ( good home ) real cheep