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  1. I

    POLL: Star this question if you love me for me?

    Cookie!!! (::) :D
  2. I

    Do straight girls says this to other girls, or is this girl interested in me?

    Sorta does, doesn't it? I'd say she ..has a little thing for you. But I don't know, does it look like im her? Ask her yourself! The possibilities of the answer could suprise you.
  3. I

    I go to an all girls school so people automatically classify me as a lesbian?

    Really? I tell people i go to an all girls highschool, and they are like "Wow, good on you! Guess guys are not a problem for you when it comes to your studies aye?" And i'd be like yepp. Though there have been some that go..."Are you a lesbian then?" I'd be like..."Dude wtf..No?" (But im...
  4. I

    If you have quit smoking, and would like to have the occasional joint when... holidays? Would that make you? want to smoke again in a day to day basis?
  5. I

    Christians: What are some catchy phrases to pick up women if I decide to go to

    Something like You: Oh, you are so divine as an angel, is it truth what they say about angels? Her: hihihihi
  6. I

    Is Infinity Incometax a good name for a baby girl?

    NO If you think that's so cool sounding, change your own name to it; don't inflict it on some innocent little kid who's only going to find out what it means when she's 12 and then be taunted for it her whole life.