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  1. W

    I need help with my Blackberry!?

    Electronic do not last forever. It is broke. Get if fixed or buy a new one.
  2. W

    Jews: Is this normal in Reform Judaism?

    I'm Christian who is unhappy about how the Church has unnecessarily deviated from original Judaism. I'm thinking to convert to Judaism and I'm trying to find out more about the different sects of Judaism. I knew that Reform and Reconstructionist are the most liberal movements, but I found a...
  3. W

    Jewish Scholars: What if I don't convert to Judaism?

    Let's hypothetically say that I'm Christian and I have found some errors (for the lack of a better word) with some aspects of Christian theology and that I feel that Christianity has unacceptable deviations from original Judaism. But 1- From what I hear there's really no concept of hell in...
  4. W

    How to download TOMB RAIDER by using TORRENTS..........?

    Okay honestly sooo many people i know download stuff off internet.. it is illegal but people can't really do anything about it, people download games, movies and songs all the time... it will be considered a crime but honestly nothing will happen unless you go running up to police yelling at...
  5. W

    Ok.I run summer track an i didn't make it to Junior Olimpics so do u think i...

    Well i don't think you should stop any ways i do the same two events and my fastest times for the 400 meter are 49:50 and my 100 meter time is 11:00 the way I got faster was running hills and lifting with my legs 3 times a week. the best way two lift is start out with light weights and work your...
  6. W

    I need beer one-liners or just Larry the Cable Guy type phrases.?

    Anyone know any tacky lines? They don't even have to be funny- just outrageous.