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  1. A

    We ordered a movie on DirecTv Cinema, and it wont play?

    We tried to buy a couple of movies. Yesterday We tried to buy Snow White And the Huntsmen, and tonight Men In Black 3. Both times it said- "All or part of this program was not recorded due to a problem at broadcasting time please wait while we scan the resording for viewable content." We have...
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    Do you think it's possible final fantasy could be our future?

    Probably not unless all the hardcore FF fans team up and build a city.
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    Do you think it's possible final fantasy could be our future?

    Probably not unless all the hardcore FF fans team up and build a city.
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    Do you think it's possible final fantasy could be our future?

    Probably not unless all the hardcore FF fans team up and build a city.
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    Do you think it's possible final fantasy could be our future?

    Probably not unless all the hardcore FF fans team up and build a city.
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    Do you think it's possible final fantasy could be our future?

    Probably not unless all the hardcore FF fans team up and build a city.
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    Do you think it's possible final fantasy could be our future?

    Probably not unless all the hardcore FF fans team up and build a city.
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    Do you think it's possible final fantasy could be our future?

    Probably not unless all the hardcore FF fans team up and build a city.
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    Do you think it's possible final fantasy could be our future?

    Probably not unless all the hardcore FF fans team up and build a city.
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    how to get the calculater in pokemon platinum for no$gba?

    You need to get the poketch in Jubilife city.
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    how to get the calculater in pokemon platinum for no$gba?

    You need to get the poketch in Jubilife city.
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    Why can't i download gadgets on my Vista?

    i tried being admin shutting off Mcaffe turning of IE protected mode every time i press run and it says developer it dosent download on my Dads account it works perfectly please help
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    On microsoft one note how do i keep the words on the lines if i set it to

    narrow lines ? I have microsoft office one note and i set it to narrow lined notebook paper. I was typing but sometimes the words come off the lines. how can i keep the words on the lines
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    can you have internet on a ds?

    they have ingame wi fi. Internet like going on google would be cool
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    Does pixar sell the songs from it's shorts?

    I was watching one man band and I love the music. I was wondering if Pixar sold the sheet music.
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    deleting g1 android applications?

    How can I delete (uninstall) my applications on my google phone? Its getting full so how can I do it..I can't find any uninstal when I click menu. Thanks
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    i know you can tape movies from tv using a vhs but is there a way to do that

    with a dvd.? I know that you can tape movies on vhs when they are on tv. but is there a way to record them on a dvd? We haven't gotten around to getting tivo. thanks
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    My friend's Action Replay for GBA recently stopped working. Can anyone help?

    He started over his Ruby file, and now we can't use it for any Pokemon game. Help!
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    What is the best work out for HUGE biceps and triceps? please answer!?

    what is the best way please tell me! the best workout for HUGE arms [ im am skinny ] and how long would it take.....prepared to workout everyday for 1 hour. [ need to do it form home....have dumbells and barbells] ....please tell me how!
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    What Dog Is Best?

    So I'll be living on my own soon (possibly a large apartment) and I want to get a dog as a companion. I want a family dog that will be affectionate and I won't have to worry about it being aggressive to my neices, but I do want a sturdy dog that can gaurd (When I say gaurd I know not like a...