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    How do i send pics to my phone from facebook?

    someone sent me pics on my facebook and i want to put them on my helio phone how do i send them to my phone via yahoo.or facebook there on my facebook
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    How do i send pics to my phone from facebook?

    someone sent me pics on my facebook and i want to put them on my helio phone how do i send them to my phone via yahoo.or facebook there on my facebook
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    Abraham Lincoln Quotes? need help Choosing.?

    I'm doing a brochure of Lincoln Memorial and I want to put some quotes he said in it. I don't know which ones to choose though because there's so many. haha Help? Put a quote you like or something. :D Please and Thank You. (: Oh. it would also help if you put why you chose that quote and you...
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    Is My Future Mother-in-law Jealous?

    I am dating a younger guy and his mother is working my nerves. We live together. His mother has a boyfriend and 2 other children but for some reason she is clingy with my boyfriend. When she never cared before, now all of a sudden, she is stressing him to spend time with her. Take for instance...
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    1998 VW Passat burning plastic smell coming from my AC/Heater vents and...

    ...under hood, what is it? I just bought this car from a private party and I just got my oil changed and all fluids replaced so I know it's not that, there are also no indicator lights on.
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    whats the difference between a HD Dvd and a DVD? ?

    i have a normal DVD player and a Laptop which plays DVD's but i wondering what the difference is between the HD dvd's? and will it play in a normal DVD player?
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    Do retiring baby boomers feel bad about the debt they are leaving for future

    Why should they? They paid into it, it is only fair.
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    Do retiring baby boomers feel bad about the debt they are leaving for future

    Why should they? They paid into it, it is only fair.
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    Alright who watched Gossip Girl tonight? Barts funeral..?

    i only saw like the first 2 lines but i think it said I'm sorry you deserve much better? or something like that..
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    Will I be able to use my phone when I move to another state?

    Will I be able to use my cell phone when I move to another state? I was told that I wouldn't, but, since it is wireless, I don't think it matters.
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    A father and his son were driving around and got in a crash crash. The father died, but his son was horribly injured. The son was taken to the emergency room. When the Docter came in, the docter said: I cant operate on him. why cant the doctor operate on him??
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    does any one know who created the internet?

    who ever he/she is i need to thank them
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    Bob went to the store and came back 3 day later. What day did Bob leave???

    A) he never left the house B) he left on friday C) he got lost D) he left on tueday E) this is stupid F) not enough information G) none of the above