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  1. N

    How long to tan outdoors with fair skin?

    Every other summer I just got a tan from playing outdoors but I don't want tan lines so i'm actually going to lay out. I have super pale skin as of right now. In the past I tanned without burning, my dad says it's cause i've got indian in me but Idk anything about all that. Last summer I did...
  2. N

    World of Warcraft - total newbie please help.?

    Resurrect At The Spirit Guide. When You Get Resurrected You Get Res Sickness Which Will Make You A lot Weaker. So Wait Until That's Gone And Go Back To Your Quest :} As You're Level One You Could Just Start Again :p
  3. N

    Have you ever had a premonition?

    I Haven't. But My Second Cousin Did, And No Word Of A Lie, He Rang Up My Dad And Told Him He Had A Dream About Huge Waves And People Screaming Then Four Days Later There Was The Indonesian Tsunami. Weird Right?
  4. N

    Have you ever had a premonition?

    I Haven't. But My Second Cousin Did, And No Word Of A Lie, He Rang Up My Dad And Told Him He Had A Dream About Huge Waves And People Screaming Then Four Days Later There Was The Indonesian Tsunami. Weird Right?
  5. N

    is it true that people who listen to metal music hate and take revenge?

    No, Metal Doesn't Turn You Into A Murderer. Thats Like Saying, If I Listen To Hip-Hop Will I Become A Nympho? :} Hope I Helped.
  6. N

    I am SO bored. How can I meet Gerard Way in real life?

    Don't Meet Gerard Way, Meet Ollie Sykes! Hes Way Better.
  7. N

    Pisces is my Venus sign...could you tell me about it?

    I'm an Aquarius sun, Taurus moon, and Pisces venus. I want to learn about Pisces as your Venus sign. Tell me all you know! :)
  8. N

    What phone is better..the sidekick lx or the voyager?

    My 2 year plan thing is about to end with tmobile and i have had the sidekick for all that time and i am sooo bored with it, and in my opinion it is the only good phone tmobile has to offer, but i do not want it again. So i need to convince my parents that the voyager is better. So can you...
  9. N

    Which has more bars in more places, verizon or tmobile?

    Which network has more signal in more places?