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  1. S

    Really need help! No one has answered Lol?

    Go ahead and send him No problem
  2. S

    Help with naming characters?

    I think red or black hair would look pretty sick (plz not blonde ) and for the name if u want something simple maybe camile or Layla or Sarah and if you want something a little more interesting maybe Titania or Isadine (sorry not good with names)!!!! Sound like an interesting novel I'd definetly...
  3. S

    gossip girl predictions for episode 12?

    i want to know your ideas... i think serena and ben will have sparks again... cant wait to read your answers -s
  4. S

    How come I laughed when a guy I'm dating said he loved me?

    A lot of guys think "I love you" is some sort of passcode to get inside our pants. I would just tell him the truth. If he doesn't take it well, dump him.
  5. S

    I'm confused between buying 2 cell phones which one is better iPhone OR Sony... xperia x10??????!!!!!!? Which cell phone is better iPhone OR Sony Ericsson xperia x10 plz some one with experience answer me!!!!!!!
  6. S

    I'm confused between buying 2 cell phones which one is better iPhone OR Sony

    ericsson xperia x10??????!!!!!!? Which cell phone is better iPhone OR Sony Ericsson xperia x10 plz some one with experience answer me!!!!!!!
  7. S

    Should I get Nike Dunk SB Mid Beijing Shoes?

    Heck yea there hott and many girls would lovve it trust me i know wat girls like and those shoes got it haha and yea they would look hott on a white guy not trying to be racest but yea
  8. S

    Essays Essays Do Yu Know How To Start A Good Introduction?

    a persuasive essay im doing about teens should drive until their 18 i need help thinking of an introduction..............
  9. S

    how can i know what my friend think about me?

    Hi, I am working in a country where i dont know the language, i speak with my team in english. I feel they have some conversation about me between each other. sometimes when they saw me they laugh, when we want to order food for example, one the guys call me to the other room, i saw them all...
  10. S

    Looking for someone to help me with fashion?

    i willl email you caus ealll my frds ask me wat to wear all the time i really have good taste u will get an email ok send me a picture of your best looking clothes ok and i will tell u ok :) u will get an email saying (hey my name is Sarah im ready to help u with your fashiion)...
  11. S

    does anyone know which is better an ipod or iphone?

    cuz there both the same orrrrrrr the new blackberry i hav an LG Vu
  12. S

    What kind of fish is this?

    maybe its a betta fish
  13. S

    How else do you spend your time on the internet ?

    - yahoo mail - hotmail - msn - myspace/ facebook - google - researching - law forums - car forums - watching movies online - downloading music- limewire - youtube - uni websites - ebay and ioffer - assignmenting/ reading yes i'm a busy little bumble bee =]
  14. S

    I have been a vegetarian for 1 year now and it's really difficult...

    when u c chicken think of someone cuttin open that chicken while it was alive all that blood and the poor screaming chicken lol idk im not a vegetarian but hope that helped
  15. S

    Does anyone know where I can find a DS lite charger?

    Target? Walmart?
  16. S

    What should I do if I chew too much gum?

    I Love Gum!