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  1. T

    Can I claim a refund for taxes on student loan interest from 2 years ago?

    You can file an amended return for 2010, which was the year you paid the interest. It's Form 1040X. Assuming you still have your 2010 return, 1040X is straightforward and pretty easy to prepare.
  2. T

    Should YA create a section to alleviate the whining and insults in the

    That would be awesome. Politics doesn't lend itself well to a straight Q and A format. Though I guess we could all go somewhere else. But I would miss a lot of the people I see here.
  3. T

    what type of lawer do i use for bring suit against eharmony?

    Call them and tell them to stop sending you spam.
  4. T

    Rather than whining ppl want to get Obama out,why don't he & Dems give any GOOD

    Haha. They couldn't give any good reason for him to be elected in the first place. I asked a similar question here in 2008. No one had an answer that had *anything* to do with Obama. They just ranted about Bush, McCain and Palin. I love this question, though!
  5. T

    anglo americans cling to religion, chinese are athiest and morally superior in...

    What are your thoughts on American black culture, and nonChristian whites? Just curious. (No one ever asks things like this about Americans of Asian descent - and they are profoundly blessed in that respect). Asia WISHES it could be as developed as we are. They are going through what this...
  6. T

    Why all the hate? Why can't we unite and help each other out instead of...

    It's un-American to roll over for a government when that government becomes tyrannical. I agree that it's counterproductive to just insult each other here; it distracts us from changing anything; the people have forgotten or given up their own power. As far as private citizens of good will who...
  7. T

    Remember when the neocons complained about the challenge to the Florida vote?

    I seem to remember an awful lot of Democrats complaining about the results of the Florida vote when it was decided in favor of Bush. Was that NOT the will of the people? The court thought it was. Were you not aware of that, or did you think nobody remembered?
  8. T

    Remember when the neocons complained about the challenge to the Florida vote?

    I seem to remember an awful lot of Democrats complaining about the results of the Florida vote when it was decided in favor of Bush. Was that NOT the will of the people? The court thought it was. Were you not aware of that, or did you think nobody remembered?
  9. T

    my girlfriend left me saying we should try meeting different people help plz?

    I hated that "other people" stuff. If you don't WANT to see other people yet, wait, but don't grieve for too long. I don't know how old you are, but I met my husband at work, and a lot of people meet other people while doing everyday stuff like going to school, work, church, or any organized...
  10. T

    Is religion a vital part of culture?

    If you don't agree, investigate. Try to find a culture that has existed or even thrived without religion. (Can't help you there, sorry). But if I were you, the first thing I'd do would be to 1) define "religion" for the purposes of my project, so I'd have a clearer idea of what I was...
  11. T

    Once again, if the church and religion is what created marriage, why do...

    They want equal access to divorce lawyers.
  12. T

    In this day of YouTube, the internet, and conservative radio; Is it harder

    I think it's made it easier for unprincipled partisans on both sides to make baseless accusations out of thin air, and have a lot of people see them. But it also gives us access to resources we can use to evaluate what we read. Whether many people bother to do the research, I don't know. That...
  13. T

    Elementary school teacher or Hollywood director??

    We need good teachers. We really do.