Search results

  1. M

    How should I cover rust on the bottom of my metal rocking chairs?

    I have two metal rocking chairs, but the paint on the bottom has all chipped away and the bottoms are rusty. Is there anything I can use to cover the bottoms so that my patio does not get rust stains? Should I just repaint them or will this just happen again? Also, is there any type of rubber...
  2. M

    Okay very funny but where's my skittles?

    no one cares
  3. M

    Hey Basketball section?

    i know this is stupid but i think i found a cheater i dont really care, i just wanted to share;_ylt=AuoPQb1ionftbENWvimVAB5VxQt.;_ylv=3?show=QHDVvdWXaa;_ylt=AvKpHZokwGMpv3tUQ069j1f4DH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20090722101155AA8qpVu...
  4. M

    What are your predictions for tonight's game?

    Cavs will show why they have the best record in the NBA. LeBron will have a triple double
  5. M

    Is Raider Nation representing on the Internet?

    Are you on Yahoo Answers Raider Nation? How is your football team doing this year?
  6. M

    Is The Zero Effect worthy of many sequels?

    I just loved the Bill Pullman character in this movie and I think it was so funny it was a great movie and really really could work the same formula into new stories over and again. Did you like the movie too?
  7. M

    Wolf Blitzer how much longer?

    Seriously how much longer will Wolf Blitzer be leading CNN? He sounds so disinterested in everything and he really is quite boring! Any news on him leaving CNN in the near future????
  8. M

    How can I meet Audrina Patridge?

    I'd really like to get a picture and possibly more withi this OC hotty!!!! =)
  9. M

    Tennis ruling on a drop shot that goes back over?

    It's without a doubt your friend who scores the point. You didn't make contact with the ball once it was in play on your side of the court. Your friend just made one amazing shot.