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  1. W

    Can Anyone help me figure out the names of two books?

    The first is maniac Magee. I've never heard of the second, sorry
  2. W

    Here's a riddle for you, can you figure it out?

    A wise man comes to a fork in the road. He is trying to get to the village, and only one road leads to it, he doesn't know which one. At the fork in the road are two sisters, twins, one who always tells the truth, and one that always tells a lie. He does not know which sister is which. What ONE...
  3. W

    Can you live without a cellphone for 1 freakin day?

    I almost never use my cell phone. I'm weird that way I guess.. *shrugs*
  4. W

    is it funny to use "maxi pad" as an insult?

    No. *hits you repeatedly with a package of maxi pads*
  5. W

    Does anyone know some scary music?

    As the teenage sister of two kids under 9, I agree wholeheartedly with Mazzda.
  6. W

    Why does the the iphone cost more in INdia?

    because in the USA electronics are cheaper. My in-laws just got back from Ecuador and an iPhone there was about $800, we got both of ours for $200 each in the US.
  7. W

    what is the app on the iPhone that allows you to send TEXTING with the sideways

    keyboard? I already have one for email, but i am a texter, not an emailer. Which app is this? I know there is one becasue a friend of mine has it, but I forgot what it was called, lol.
  8. W

    iPhone 3G or Blackberry Bold?

    iPhone. I have one for business and pleasure, I LOVE it!!! And that is putting it lightly. The email is great, the texting is great (it is a normal, straight keyboard, but there is an app for you to turn it sideways.) Get the iPhone. You will NOT be dissapointed!! :)
  9. W

    iPhone 3G or Blackberry Bold?

    iPhone. I have one for business and pleasure, I LOVE it!!! And that is putting it lightly. The email is great, the texting is great (it is a normal, straight keyboard, but there is an app for you to turn it sideways.) Get the iPhone. You will NOT be dissapointed!! :)
  10. W

    I really need you opinion on the att quickfire...HELP!?

    I was going to get the quickfire, but then realised that the iPhone was the same price. I got the iPhone, I had also heard too many bad things about the quickfire. Go with the iPhone, I promise you you will not be dissapointed!
  11. W

    I really need you opinion on the att quickfire...HELP!?

    I was going to get the quickfire, but then realised that the iPhone was the same price. I got the iPhone, I had also heard too many bad things about the quickfire. Go with the iPhone, I promise you you will not be dissapointed!
  12. W

    Which is better, the iPhone 3G or the AT&T Quickfire?

    I am not sure which to get, and I have until next thursday to make up my mind. My boyfriend wants an iPhone, so do I, but I am also looking at the Quickfire because of the slide out keyboard. My main question is, do I have to always slide it out, or can I also type on the touch screen? The...
  13. W

    I cannot find a working link for law and order SVU season 9 episode 15,...

    ...Undercover, help? I went to, but they only had the first half of the episode, so I'm kinda screwed, and now am wondering what happens! Any help would be appriciated and a working link will be awarded 10 pts.
  14. W

    I need and iPhone box, JUST the box, any idea where I could get one?

    I'm getting my BF an iPhone for xmas, but i'm getting the whole amount in gift cards and wanted to put the cards in a box so he would know what they were for. Anyone know where I could get the box?
  15. W

    Does anyone have the full list of the Blu Rays that are 8.99 and 11.99 at

    Circuit City on Black Friday? I'm making my list and have a few, but I need to know the rest, so I know what to get in there and get so I can get in and out again.
  16. W

    Solar Sprints for High School Students?

    Okay. I'm too old to compete in the Junior Solar Sprints. Does anyone know of a similar competition for high school students?
  17. W

    How to change left headlight in 2001 Nissan Altima?

    please give extended details
  18. W

    How do I change the left headlight in a 2001 Nissan Altima?

    detailed information please
  19. W

    How can I increase my libido... I'm 19 and on birth control.....?

    I've been on birth control for years, but due to recent stresses along with the pills, my libido is shot, and my boyfriend is pissed. I don't know what I can do to help this factor, and going off of the pill is NOT an option, even for a month. Are there any medications or herbs or anything I can...
  20. W

    Sex Drive?

    In the past four months, my gyno has switched my birth control 3 times!! I have been moody, and incredibly bitchy to my boyfriend. I also have absolutly no interest in sex, which is incredibly strange for me since we were the couple that could do it 2 or 3 times a day no problem, now we havent...