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  1. T

    Just so all you people know what the correct religion is?

    Bad monkey......................
  2. T

    Question about religion?

    The only certainty we have in our existence is uncertainty................. Remember that, and live your life free and unafraid.....................
  3. T

    What religion is most efficient for humanity's development......?

    What religion allows enough leeway in scientific development without chastising it as malevolent and heresy? What religion has it's followers attempt to understand the world around them and think for themselves without referencing their holy documents as the only source of truth? What religion...
  4. T

    What is patricia roberts harris's religion?

    Check Wikipedia, cutiepie............
  5. T

    Isn't it rude to discuss religion.........................?

    Think about it. If you're an atheist, it's extremely annoying when you have your mamby-pamby hardcore Christians and Mormons trying to shove their God down your throat.................... Yet we get on our soapbox here on R&S and do the same thing with our...
  6. T

    I'm atheist and I want to complain...?

    Why am I not being taken seriously?.............. It's enough to drive me to a 1/4 of gin, you blackballing monkeys.......... P.S. This is SATIRE.............
  7. T

    I need help finding a's my criteria?

    Umm................Atheism?......................... Everything you listed is basically what Atheism is............. Fancy that.....................
  8. T

    is there any actual proof of the assertion that islam is the

    More suicide bombings........................ You do the math.....................