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  1. R

    What are Steeler fans getting Roger Goodell and NFL refs for X-mas?

    Are you seriously going there when the Steelers got a first down on a 9 yard gain when it was 1st and 10? They handicapped the Jets a yard in the redzone so it hardly benefitted one team. The refs sucked as usual but it was nothing one-sided. I think the Steelers are exactly what they are - they...
  2. R

    Can you blitz as much you want in football?

    As others have said you can blitz every down but that is the reason quarterbacks audible and it leaves the defense with holes. You would have to have some pretty stout man to man pass coverage guys if you attempted a blitz four times in a row. A good quarterback would recognize it and hit the...
  3. R

    If you can have 1 player punch Roger Goodell in the face?

    Ray Edwards
  4. R

    Sports injuries, 3 concusions throught 7 yrs in peewee and highschool should i play

    When I first started reading the question I thought "yeah right, 3 concussions whatever kid..." then I actually read the rest and now I do believe you suffered 3 concussions! Take that how it sounds because that is the way I meant it. Don't attempt any more football.
  5. R

    Sports injuries, 3 concusions throught 7 yrs in peewee and highschool should i play

    When I first started reading the question I thought "yeah right, 3 concussions whatever kid..." then I actually read the rest and now I do believe you suffered 3 concussions! Take that how it sounds because that is the way I meant it. Don't attempt any more football.
  6. R

    Is anyone dreading the Patriots having 2 picks in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and

    4th rounds with a rookie salary cap? Without a cap it is not feasible to sign them all but with one it certainly changes things. 8 picks in the first four rounds! Just look at the last two drafts and imagine picking 8 of the players who were drafted that early. Consider that and the trade bait...
  7. R

    Super Bowl Prediction? Jets VS Packers?

    Really tough to say... Its a very trendy pick to say Jets and Packers but both teams have alot of work to do before I will consider either of them Super Bowl bound. It is only preseason so by no means do I think it is the be all end all but it is all that we have to go off. Right now the...
  8. R

    Is anyone else psyched for Rampage vs. Silva at UFC 92?

    I love MMA fights but I don't think I have never been this psyched about a fight before. I am hoping Silva makes it 3 for 3 over Jackson. I guarantee there won't be any messing around in that cage. That is gonna kick @$$
  9. R

    Will Affliction give UFC trouble?

    I think that Affliction is going to really push UFC. I think now we will see how good Dana White really is. I know there are a lot of Dana White fans out there and people even think the UFC is where it is because of him. I disagree and think a monkey could have sold the UFC on Spike. For crying...