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  1. R

    Why do right wing teabaggers at town halls complain about being called unpatriotic

    Being anti war I protest this. U.S. military expenditures = the world's military budget. 44.4% of taxes pay for it. Being anti big socialist government I also protest this.
  2. R

    i just wondered if the democrats realize, they are arguing with more...

    They don't know who they are arguing with. If you do not agree you are a greedy, racist white person. There new excuse is GWB. GWB is there best friend. Every thing they do they justify with W did it too. It goes for the other side as well. They are arguing with who they believe to be anti...
  3. R

    Prophecy fulfilled after 65 years?

    I can't help but think of that Russian professor who predicted the U.S. would break up into pieces. There are so many people that want to take the country down a road that so many other people don't want to go down. It makes me think that what he said may be inevitable.
  4. R

    Why is Barney Frank such a joke?

    He still isn't the worst from either side of the aisle.
  5. R

    Do you think that George Washington's dire prediction has come to pass?

    I am seeing more and more people awake to this phenomenon. Thanks for turning your own lights on.
  6. R

    Help with a grandparent and getting her out of her house.?

    My grandmother lives in a house that she ahs lived in for about 35 years. She currently has 5 out of 6 children sill living ages 40-51. Her house is falling apart literaly. It is infested with mice and god knows what else. She has three dogs that she can not take of properly. When ever the topic...
  7. R

    Will Affliction give UFC trouble?

    not at first no. But if Affliction and WAMMA can pull in other orgs. such as Cage Rage, Dream, Elite EX. They will in deed. Affliction has retained the top heavyweights in the world. They need to fill the lesser weight classes. how do you do that, well pull in other organizations not just the...
  8. R

    Will Affliction give UFC trouble?

    not at first no. But if Affliction and WAMMA can pull in other orgs. such as Cage Rage, Dream, Elite EX. They will in deed. Affliction has retained the top heavyweights in the world. They need to fill the lesser weight classes. how do you do that, well pull in other organizations not just the...