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  1. T

    Can I put my T-mobile sim card in a non tmobile phone?

    Will it work? :) What is jailbroken?
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    How come my wife just lays in bed forever after sex?

    Uhm. . . probably because she is relaxed and wants to continue to feel that way. Or maybe she just wants to lay there with you
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    Why are Americans so rude when they travel overseas?

    o we r just naturally loud......
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    Downloading Ringtones?

    If i dont have multimedia messaging on my phone and i want to download ringtones from my computer how does this work... does cricket charge any additional fees if the ringtone is free?
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    A really hard riddle! best answer is ten points?

    because the bikers killed him
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    I'm having a problem sending music(ring tones) via bluetooth?

    well, what I need to do is send a ring tone from my samsung gravity cell phone*t-mobile)*, i was wondering if anyone could give me step by step directions on how to send my ring tone via bluetooth.
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    I think im in the hardest situation ever... and im not one to complain? please help?

    Well it can't be that hard if you can't leave an explanation
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    will it eat the babys?

    ok so i have a fish tank.and i only have one so i cant change the pregnant fish to another my mom wont buy another tank. but anyway. i have a fish tank with 2 dojo loaches and 2 guppies,one of the guppies is female & preggo. the other is ofcourse but what i want to know is will the...
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    Are they really cutting SAAB's?

    I heard GM is cutting SAAB's. Are they really going to do this? When are they getting cut?
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    how do i download iphone imitation from softpedia?

    i don't know how to download it... do i click save or open (with what?)? andddddd.... how do i install it on my palm centro? please :D is there anywhere else i can download it? i tried but that doesn't work anymore i guess
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    mini cramps? girls only please?

    i havent started my period but it feels like i'm having some mini light craamps already. i don't really know what a cramp feels like! it's grabbing my stomach than releasing it over and over and it makes me feel kind of like i want to puke sort of or like i'm going to burp.....but its not like...
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    if your 19 do you need a learners permit to take a drivers test in california?

    i heard you don't need a permit if your over 18 and a half to take a drivers test. is that true? im talking about in california
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    internet on my phone question?

    i have the samsung rant.... after im done looking at the internet, how to i close it completely? do i just press end to go back to the home screen?
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    sprint - does it cost to download things?

    like if i go to and download a ringtone, will sprint charge me for downloading? how much?
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    diabetic cat has dry nose?

    my cat was just diagnosed with diabetes, and today was the first day of giving him insulin. the insulin seems to really be helping, he is up and about and purring and rubbing against things like he used to. but now i have noticed that his nose is completly dry. is that normal for a diabetic cat?
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    anyone have the samsung rant?

    i heard the phone breaks a lot.. and that it freezes. has that happened to you?
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    Im meeting with a mary kay consultant tomorrow?

    i dont have the best skin (im 14) acne, acne scars, huge pores I wear make up sometimes anyway my mom set up this appointment because she knows the lady personally. But im not sure if we are gonna focus on improving my skin, or makeup or both or i just dont know! Heck, im not even sure if my...