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  1. F

    Do you greet people when walking down the street?

    Is it normal to greet and acknowledge strangers? And where are you from? Which state or country? And is it urban, suburban, or rural?
  2. F

    Do you greet people when walking down the street?

    Is it normal to greet and acknowledge strangers? And where are you from? Which state or country? And is it urban, suburban, or rural?
  3. F

    My mother and I are arguing. Should she just leave my house?

    My mother and I don't get along. I'm a grown woman (almost 27) My mother came to visit me yesterday on her own accord. I didn't invite her because we don't get along and our relationship has gotten worse over the years. When she said she was coming, I asked her did she want to visit and she said...
  4. F

    Poll: Would you rather be A: Retarded B: Gay or C: Black?

    Well, I'm already black and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love being a black woman. And being the so-called American you are, you are most likely strongly influenced by the black culture in the foods you eat, the music you listen to, the society you live in. So continue to hate on.
  5. F

    Poll: Would you rather be A: Retarded B: Gay or C: Black?

    Well, I'm already black and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love being a black woman. And being the so-called American you are, you are most likely strongly influenced by the black culture in the foods you eat, the music you listen to, the society you live in. So continue to hate on.
  6. F

    What does it mean when someone says you look like you just got off the boat...

    Yeah, they were saying something they thought was an insult. Being called an immigrant implies that the person is inferior. I'm 100 percent American (black), speak standard English as a first language, and someone in New York still once called me a "dirty, immigrant b****" during an argument-...
  7. F

    When greeting someone, do you give them a handshake or a hug?

    It depends on who it is. Usually, someone I'm just meeting for the first time gets a handshake. Someone I already know gets nothing (just a verbal "hi" and occasionally a hug). I don't like people in my personal space and I'm not the touchy feely type. If I give a hug, It's usually because...
  8. F

    Am I "old-fashioned" for liking old-school bands and soul groups over the new music?

    No, you just know and appreciate good music.
  9. F

    How long can I keep smoked corn and turkey chowder?

    and how do I keep it fresh?
  10. F

    What could dizziness and nausea (and sore throat) come from?

    I have been suffering a sore throat for a few days. I had a very long nap this evening. After I woke up, I'm experiencing nausea and I'm kind of dizzy- had a nasal congestion earlier too but the congestion has now dissipated. But I do feel like vomiting. Could it be flu?
  11. F

    I have no drive or motivation. How do I get out of this?

    I'm finding it hard to get out of bed to take care of the tasks that I need to do. Even after I wake, I just lay there avoiding everything until the last possible minute. Everything seems like such a chore. EXAMPLE: Today, I was supposed to get up and take my car to an inspection station that...
  12. F

    Is religion/church the answer?

    I have crazy issues and am disconnected from others. The other day, someone told me that if I go to church I would feel connected. Is it true? I am thinking about possibly trying it out but the thought of it is intimidating. I am not religious but I do know right from wrong. Some of my family...
  13. F

    Do u think that eating those michelinas and suchlike frozen dinners are healthy?

    they are not as healthy as homecooked meals, but they are better than fastfood. at least they dont contain that much oil etc. but they do have a lot pf preservatives, which is kinda bad. so i wud suggest homecooked meals, just throw some chicken in the oven with some seasoning... voila baked...