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  1. E

    LG Blu-ray Player (BD555C) good blueray player?

    i am thinking of buying the LG Blu-ray Player (BD555C) and i was wondering if it is good and your overall thoughts on it. if you know about a blueray player that is in between 100-150 dollars which is better then the one listed then please let me know
  2. E

    Can i continue downloading a torrent from Bittorrent to Vuze?

    Hi guys, I just wanted to ask: I'm downloading a torrent in Bittorrent and got to 42%, but can i continue downloading it using Vuze(Azureus) and if yes, can you please tell me how? Thanks in advance!
  3. E

    Do I need a data plan for the T-Mobile G1 if it's Unlocked.?

    Ok so I would like to buy the G1 for T-Mobile but I can't really afford to add a data plan right now (internet). I know that it's required in order to make the phone work, I'm wondering if I unlock the phone can I use it without the internet. Thanks!
  4. E

    Getting My Xbox 350 to play all games in 4:3?

    I have a stadard 4:3 T.V. Some of my Xbox 360 games (GRAW, Assasians Creed) play in 16:9 widescreen mode and there are no option settings to make it full screen. So I'm wondering if there is anyway to change my settings so I can play all my games in 4:3 standard mode without sacraficing gameplay.