Search results

  1. T

    Can you recommend some bluetooth headphones for jogging?

    I'm looking for bluetooth headphones for jogging. I have an itouch and my regular headphones are a pain with the wires always getting in the way. My itouch goes into an armband so the wires are again a pain. I have 2 friends who use Motorola S9 headphones but i tried them on and jogged on the...
  2. T

    Why is my high-speed internet moving so slowly?

    Go to this site and do a speed test, if its lower than your cable company suggested then you may either have a virus. If your on a wireless network then one of your neighbors could be using your bandwidth if your wireless network is not secure.
  3. T

    Most knowledgeable author on religion, and why?

    Who would you say is the most knowledgeable author on religion and why? What are his credentials, like PhD etc etc. Which books in particular do you like. Why do you listen to this persons views more than others? And I'm not interested in stupid answers, like God and the Bible. Natural authors...
  4. T

    Shall i travel with my boyfriend's family?

    He sounds like he gave you some really lame excuses to break up with you, and then all of a sudden he realizes he has feelings. I would not trust this guy one bit. In my opinion, i would ditch him and move on. He sounds like he is a game player, very childish and unsure of what he actually...
  5. T

    What the best mp3 player with fm/am radio and gr8 sound?

    Creative Zen - If you don't have much money you can even buy the 2GB version, then when you get more money just go buy a 16GB SD card for $27 and drop that in it. They have a 2gb, 4gb, 8gb. You don't have to use any type of crappy itunes either. Just drag and drop. It's a decent player, i have...
  6. T

    Was this a movie or a nightmare?

    probably a movie.
  7. T

    If it were not for US would there be any hope for peace in the world?

    Of course it's gonna happen, it's just a matter of when. Hopefully i won't be around to see it. But there has been war from day one. I don't think we have ever had peace not one day since mankind has been on earth.
  8. T

    Why do Christians say Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies?

    What about world peace - (Isaiah 2:4) - We certainly don't have world peace. What about the third temple - (Ezekiel 37:26-28) - Third temple was not built in Jesus time, in fact it was destroyed in 70AD. What about a universal knowledge of God - (Zechariah 14:9). - Self explanatory. So many...
  9. T

    Can anyone recommend a good nutrition book, thanks?

    I'm looking for a good book that deals with food and how its broken down, fats into glycerol, proteins into amino acids, metabolism, fats, hydrogenation etc. Basically the chemistry behind nutrition. Can anyone recommend one. Much appreciated. Thanks.
  10. T

    Im an English gentlemen and lately Ive been spending some time in the USA

    How about: "yes, oh yes, ooh ooh oh yeaaahhhh"
  11. T

    Im an English gentlemen and lately Ive been spending some time in the USA

    How about: "yes, oh yes, ooh ooh oh yeaaahhhh"
  12. T

    Anyone have a list of Audi A6 error codes?

    I keep getting a P0685 on my Audi A6, i was told possibly relay circuit open for a gnd for the fuel pump. The car will not start at all. Car is a 2003 A6 3.0 quattro.
  13. T

    Is there a way to put something on the internet?

    Theres tons of free webspace online. One i use is called WebNG. It has free space so you can upload your pictures or whatever.
  14. T

    I really need to know...I'm not a technology wiz..?

    200GB is the drive size (the bigger the GB of the drive the more space to hold data) and rpm is the spindle rotation of the drive itself.(the more rpm, the faster it can access your data). I'd look for a 7200 rpm drive. A bay is basically a section of the laptops inner body that holds the drive...
  15. T

    Are there any health benefits from becomming a vegan?

    Can anyone tell me of any changes to their life since becomming a vegan? Thanks.
  16. T

    How fast does an Audi Quattro 3.0 A6 go?

    If you own one, how fast have you gone? I have a 2003 A6, and have done about 110mph. Also do you know if there is a limiter on it?
  17. T

    My PS3 doesn't detect my Bluetooth device automatically. Do I have to turn it on...

    You should only have to do it once, after you enter the key code for the device. Sometimes this happens to me, i turn my PS3 on and join a game of GTA and my bluetooth doesnt work. I just turn the power on and off on the bluetooth and it normally just recognizes it. Haven't had any issues since.
  18. T

    I want to go to an anime convention but my my mom won't let me because she says...

    Tell here there are plenty of other stupid ways to waste money, like drinking, smoking, drugs all of which you do not do, so can't she give you a break and have some fun in doing something that you enjoy.