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  1. C

    Why doesn't Yahoo screen these politics questions?

    Are they incapable of screening them? Are they incompetent?;_ylt=AgWK2HyQsXuqFZnx_LWqLXXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080901111753AAxDMne
  2. C

    I heard that Obama and Larry Craig meet on Thursdays. True?

    I heard that somewhere Actually they meet in the back of a limo
  3. C

    Does it appear that Obama is a gay man?

    He had sex in the back of a limo in 1999 with Larry Sinclair. Sinclair has passed a lie detector test. The question is: Was Obama a top or a bottom? You idiots who say, "He's married with kids", to which I say, "You idiots. Any married man can still be gay." Shows the average intelligence of...
  4. C

    Obama should be Republican. He likes gay parties.?

    Like Craig and others. Maybe he will change that.
  5. C

    weird problem with internet?

    It may have "lost" its IP. If you know how to do a Repair on your laptop's wireless connection, do that. Or also turn off the laptop and the router and turn them back on.
  6. C

    Can I have 2 laptops on the same internet connection at the same time?

    Yes You need a router and two wireless adapters for your two laptops (or built in wireless in the laptops.)
  7. C

    my new internet card is slow why??

    Maybe when it works it will improve your spelling and grammar. :-)
  8. C

    Why didn't Bush criticize Israel for bombing Lebanon in 2005?

    He was quick to criticize Russia for moving into South Ossetia, but why did he let Israel off the hook for killing innocents in Beirut lebanon? Is this a double standard?
  9. C

    Will the Russian bear bite off the US' nose over Ossetia?

    Maybe we will learn to keep out of others' business. Or is this the issue Bush needs to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution?
  10. C

    Why do we give Israel billions each year for their military

    And then wonder why the Middle East is a hornet's nest, filled with hatred of America and constant war between israel and its neighbors. We have adopted a problem child in Israel.
  11. C

    Whats your opinion on Iraq's Oil surplus?

    We should take the oil. Why else did we invade Iraq?
  12. C

    Should we pull the leash on Israel Get ready for $10 a gallon gas if Israel attacks Iran
  13. C

    Is the world ready for a new "religion"

    One that is free of fluff and ceremony, of churchs, synagogues, temples and foofaw? Is it time to return to the purely spiritual? To rid ourselves of priests, rabbis, popes and bishops? The answers have always been there. We simply have to ask and the answers will come.
  14. C

    Alien doubters: What are you afraid of

    You all seem to harbor some kind of fear of aliens and fear that they exist and deny UFO sightings. What are you afraid of?
  15. C

    When was the word SCORE first used to mean GET

    He scored tickets. A magazine scored pics of Brajolina's kids.
  16. C

    Do you feel sorry for homeowners in California wildfires?

    They build megahouses in the hills, then whine when fires burn them down. Never mind the insurance companies who have to pay (or govt doles). Why don't they build in the city?
  17. C

    Your opinions on North American Union[NAU]?

    I wrote a novel about the NAU in 1991. Be careful. You're plagiarizing. LOL