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  1. H

    where can i watch porn videos on my samsung delve? it's not blueapple anymore
  2. H

    Did anyone watch "The Reader"?

    I was wondering if anyone knows what the letter Hannah wrote Michael said??
  3. H

    Why is my car making this roaring noises when i stop at the light?

    might be the fan kicking on to cool your radiator, i'd have to hear it to help you
  4. H

    Lip piercings determine sexuality?

    I was just reading an older question here on Answers and it had to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Since when does piercing your lip determine if you're bi or gay? I recently got my lip pierced and I am 100% straight. Seriously, are people really that stupid to believe stuff like that...
  5. H

    relief for kidney stones!?

    what are some things that i can do at home for relief of kidney stones?