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  1. R

    How did Jesus Christ plays the role of salvation by merely being crucified?

    It takes one to be holy, sinless, flawless to negate sin, imperfection, and disobedience. Only God is holy and could do such a thing but God can't die. Jesus was in the form of God as He was with and part of God the Father in heaven. And, He was also human in that He was born of a woman, had...
  2. R

    What prophecies were fulfilled in Luke's gospel?

    Luke 1- An angel foretells Zechariah that he will become a father and won't be able to speak till that time. Luke 1- The angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will have a baby--Jesus. Luke 1-Zechariah foretells of Jesus linage. Luke 2-An angel tells shepherds that Jesus was born and where. Luke 2-...
  3. R

    atheists you complain about church's and religions asking?

    That's a good point. I'll add to it that Atheists either believe that churches should not have electricity, heat, cooling, and water--- or maybe they believe that churches should receive such as these for free. Maybe they feel that people that work for or at a church shouldn't be paid or do they...
  4. R

    How can Christians honestly claim that religion and science do not conflict

    How so? Do you mean that God is incapable of doing some things? I think not....
  5. R

    Ever heard this one about complaining to God?

    A person was dieing of cancer. They were in a real lot of pain and depression. In anger the person raised their fist in the air and yelled at God "Why didn't you send someone that could cure cancer?" Just then a bright light filled the room and a voice said "I did-but they aborted him" For...
  6. R

    What kind of underwear did Jesus Christ wear when he was still alive?

    Gee, now isn't that funny? Your career as a comedian will be short lived. Don't quit your day job.
  7. R

    Looking for a christian word to describe..?

    The Holy Spirit does such a thing. That may not be the word you are looking for but it is true. Could "conscience" be the word? Your conscience is bothering you. Your conscience is telling you......
  8. R

    some1 tell me what i can do ? i'm a philosopher. i can be a great man in future?

    i need a university or somewhere that want me. please tell me. i can show you my poems. and i can talk with with every1 who likes to be sure that i'm a philosopher. I want to leave iran, i have no job . i think philosophy can make a good job for me.
  9. R

    Atheists: Do you find it hard to be tolerant of religion when...?

    It would be helpful to know what decisions you are talking about.
  10. R

    Atheist's say they don't believe in God. Does that mean any and all religion's gods?

    From being on the R&S forum I realize that you don't believe in the God of Christianity, but what about other religions? What fault do you find with Allah & Mohamed? Where and what do you feel is the error of the Muslim faith? What about Buddhists and Hindu's? To reject, disavow, find errors...
  11. R

    Do tarot cards predict the future, or do they have powers that change

    Tarot cards belong in the tall, round, circular file--aka the trash can...
  12. R

    Question to those that say that religion causes most wars. Can you name them?...

    ...Do/did they effect you? A few famous wars: 1776, Independence (July 4) Not a religious war. Revolutionary war AKA- War between the states.- Not a religious war. War of 1812.- Not a religious war. World War One. -Nor a religious war. World War Two (most causalities and destruction of any war...
  13. R

    Is Christianity a borrowed religion?

    On this form, I keep reading about how some feel that Christianity is a borrowed religion. They say Christianity was taken from older religions. The stories, Jesus (or Jesus figure), and places are very similar They say that in light of the above, Christianity is not true and borrowed from these...
  14. R

    How long hour wise, are you supposed to recharge rechargeable batteries?

    The package or battery doesn't indicate the time needed.