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  1. D

    IE HELP. 10 pts. for best answer.?

    is this a joke??
  2. D

    Ear Defenders And Noise-Cancelling Headphones?

    no cant hear squat.. huh????
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    Music Guru's, I Need your help! ?

    anything by ozzy or metallica
  4. D

    How to go about ghost hunting..?

    you could start your own ghost busters business.. free enterprise baby
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    how do you find out the size of a tire rim?

    get a tape measure and measure from one side to the other
  6. D

    has sprint ever changed your contract?

    without you knowing it?? i swear on sevreal occasions i have told sprint that i did not want a certain thing in my contract and they say ok and the next bill its on there.. is it my memory going or have you had problems with sprint?