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  1. G

    I need vacation assistance for my husband's birthday!?

    My husband is a real home body. He's a stay at home dad, doesnt have many friends, and doesnt get out much. His 30th birthday is in March. I want to do something really nice for him, but I dont know what to do. I was thinking of taking him on a vacation somewhere, but I am stuck. A lot of places...
  2. G

    ok i mate my boyfriend through internet. Now am going to meet him the first time.

    Just to give you a few tips, first do not meet in a secluded area. No matter how comfortable you feel with him, you just never know. Try to meet up at a diner or a restaurant somewhere where there's a lot of people. Also, do not give him too much personal information about yourself. You don't...
  3. G

    The blackberry curve,tmobile shadow,sidekick lx,tmobile wing,blackberry...

    I have the blackberry curve and I love it. I used to have the Wing but UGH god I hated that phone. I say get the blackberry