Search results

  1. J

    did sony make a mistake with playstation move and its homo-erotica inspiration?

    the playstation move is gay as hell and i'm disappointed. i don't feel like i would be an intimidating bad-ass playing any boxing games or shooting games with a glowing baby blue or hot pink orb at the end of some shaft in my hands. am i just being a whiner?
  2. J

    Best Hunting Flashlight?

    What flashlight would be really good for hunting and tracking. Im not looking for a complete tracking light, just a regular light, preferably a LED with a pretty high battery life.
  3. J

    Best Hunting Gear for New Property?

    I just bought a peace of land and was wondering what the best gear is. 1. Best or Highly Rated Tree Stand (climbing/tripod/ladder) 2. Trail Camera 3. Feeder 4. Handheld GPS 5. Good Game Attractants Answers with model and details of product and possibly good or bad experiences are greatly...