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  1. M

    What percent of Americans, drive cars with?

    Except for expensive sports cars, I think most of today's cars that are manual stick shift are generally the cheaper model, and many times driven by the younger generations. Mainly because that's what they can afford, and when you are younger, it's fun. I have no idea what percentage that is...
  2. M

    If worse came to worse and all the supermarkets closed for a month would...

    We could probably make it close to a month, EXCEPT if that happened, I know my kids would be on my doorstep. So let me change that to about 2 weeks. We don't hunt, but we do fish. However, fish do not fear us. They just laugh in our faces and swim away. So maybe we would starve. OMG - we're...
  3. M

    Would you agree that oldies have never had it so good? So why are you always

    I'm not completely sure what you are talking about, but it sounds to me like YOU are complaining. If you want a 2nd home and vacations (holidays?), then work hard and pay for it. The only people I know with 2nd homes and great vacations, are those that worked hard all their lives and saved. The...
  4. M

    What do you think of the rumor mongering, mud slinging, lying about Palin troll

    I hate it all! Yes, stay out of Elections. I just lost 10 points for stating my opinion.
  5. M

    Are there 'behind the scenes' politics in the senior section?

    I read what other people are saying, but I haven't seen it myself. I think I am on here a lot, but i guess not enough to figure out what is going on. And, I'd rather not know.