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  1. H

    Why must the Catholic abstain from meat but not from fish?

    Last I checked, fish was meat.
  2. H

    Christians: Can you explain to me how god has free will when he knows what he'll do

    in the future? He already knows what he's going to do. That means he can't do otherwise when the time comes. That means he has no free will. Keep in mind, he's not like you so human comparisons won't work. You THINK you know what you might do. You know what you INTEND to do. It's different...
  3. H

    How can we have free will if time travel is possible?

    We can't, but we don't have free will anyway.
  4. H

    Christians: Is there any truth to the rumor that Jesus wasn't gay?

    Not that there's anything wrong with not being gay. I'm not gay myself.
  5. H

    Atheists/ nonreligious. Why are you more greatly offended by Christianity...

    Because it impacts me more than the others do (except Islam - I'm greatly offended by that). There are more of you and you're more vocal.
  6. H

    ATTENTION psychics and those who have a good sense of the future? Which animal

    The tick. I suck your blood until you burn my ass.
  7. H

    Is there ANY religion that has more denominations than Christianity?

    Hinduism perhaps? That's probably the only competitor in that realm.
  8. H

    Christians: Why are there no unambiguous prophecies in the bible?

    unambiguous FULFILLED prophecies, that is.