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  1. N

    What is your experience of electronic cigarettes?

    I did experience SOME withdrawal symptoms, but not to the same extent as going cold turkey. Unfortunately, I still have not yet quit. Perhaps because I am a heavy smoker, and used the electronic one frequently, it seemed as if neither the "battery" nor the cartridges worked as long as I hoped...
  2. N

    What do Christians and Atheists have in common?

    There are a lot of gods that neither of us believe in. I don't consider my narcissism to be a disorder, thank you very much. :)
  3. N

    Whats wrong with my unicorn?

    I wouldn't be too concerned, the unicorn half or the cross-breed can often be found in shades of pink, purple and even multiple colors. That he is changing colors now is probably a sign of pega-corn puberty. Keep an eye on his horn. That's the real tell of a pega-corn's health. If it begins to...
  4. N

    Fellow Atheists: what are some things in other religions that you could appreciate?

    Though they often do not demonstrate it, the main them of most modern religions is to Love one another. Great idea - until they go to war because they can't agree on the right way to do so.
  5. N

    POLL: Why does God always get joked on, but never the devil?

    God obviously has a better sense of humor - look at the platypus... or Perez Hilton.
  6. N

    Sometimes I wish that Obama's zcars were all on a boat, fishing for swordfish,...

    I've had similar wishes about Republicans in general - but we don't always get what we want.
  7. N

    did you laugh when Joe interrupted President Obama?

    I was actually very disappointed at the shoe incident - the guy missed.
  8. N

    when it is proved obammaba is not a natural born citizen, how hard will u...

    Please, go ahead and continue to try to prove true that which is false, so that we can continue to laugh at those who believe this ridiculous conspiracy. While you're at it, try working on proving that the moon is made of cheese and that W was a competent president.
  9. N

    Are Tom Cruise films Top Gun & Days of Thunder intended to excite a female

    I've never seen "Days of Thunder", but in "Top Gun", he had a female love interest. Hollywood is liberal enough that if the movies were targeting a gay audience, they most likely would have would have had gay characters.
  10. N

    does anyone know how to talk like peter griffin?

    No, but I look like him.
  11. N

    Hide in the internet survey: Do you hate people in real life?

    It's not really "hate" since I don't respect humanity enough to hate it. It's a combination of annoyance, amusement, and pity.
  12. N

    Why are liberals whining over conservative talk radio....?

    The closest thing to "whining" that I've seen was little more than us laughing at Rush.
  13. N

    Poll: Beastie Boys or the Jonas Brothers?

    That's kind of like a Godzilla v. Bambi deathmatch. Beastie Boys of course.
  14. N

    Are trials sometimes better then plea bargains?

    With a trial, there's a chance of acquittal - a plea bargain means you plead guilty to a lesser charge. It's sort of crap-shoot. You're obviously better off going to trial if you have a real good attorney who tells you that you have a real good chance of being acquitted.
  15. N

    Who remembers ALF??The funny hairy alien?

    Ha! I kill me! Michu Meszaros was the actor within the ALF costume. Paul Fusco operated the ALF puppet, supplied ALF's voice, and co-produced the series with Tom Patchett. Patchett also co-created, wrote, and directed the series.
  16. N

    Hugs! people complaining about years under bush. what about the 1ousy...

    The Democrats have only controlled congress for a relatively short time - and have never had the 2/3 majority required to overturn a presidential veto. Considering how well the conservatives have done, yes - put the liberals in charge.
  17. N

    Why are liberals still whining about Palin's daughter? ?

    And it seems from what I've read here that you neo-cons are making more of an issue of Palin's daughter than we are. I always have been, and still am pro-Obama because he is NOT Bush III - end of story.
  18. N

    Pro-abortion politics. Defend this, or at least please try.?

    "Pro-Abortion" would mean running around telling pregnant women that they should abort, regardless. I haven't heard that from the furthest left of the liberals.
  19. N

    In the future, when liberals do away with the military. How will liberal

    History lesson - Bill Clinton was as liberal as they come. He did not do away with the military, women were not forced into head scarves, and we were far better off as a nation.