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  1. S

    hCG level is at 20, miscarried 8 weeks ago? what could this be?

    okay so about 8 weeks or so ago, i had a miscarriage. im only 16 years old, but it was still a great loss to me =[. my doctors told me i couldnt go on birthcontrol until my next period and after my hCG levels were below or at 5. i went in and they were at seven, on my period about 2/3 weeks ago...
  2. S

    Why palestinians shoot rocket?

    Funny how often that the most ignorant make the most noise. You: - Take my water - Burn my olive trees - Destroy my house - Take my job - Steal my land - Imprison my father - Kill my mother - Bomb my country - Starve us all - Humiliate us all But: I am to blame I shoot a rocket back
  3. S

    how much do you trust what the IDF shows on youtube?
  4. S

    Why are there people that are supporting HAMAS and not Israel!?

    "they use their own people as human shields" Israel's human shields draw fire Human rights groups return to court over army's use of Palestinian civilians If you dont get why some people think the treatment of people in Gaza by the Israeli...
  5. S

    Why is it that when Palestinians are on the news they are always ranting and...

    Thats not news, that Western media propaganda
  6. S

    Celeb BB, Tina "Michelle who?, Is she famous??" LMFAO, anyone else find that funny?

    LOL in a few years CELEB BB will just be the people who do the bins and the hairdos for The Saturdays
  7. S

    Celeb BB, Tina "Michelle who?, Is she famous??" LMFAO, anyone else find that funny?

    LOL in a few years CELEB BB will just be the people who do the bins and the hairdos for The Saturdays
  8. S

    Celebrity Big Brother: Is Tommy Sheridan a good orator?

    Whos gonna be first to say hes a cunning linguist...
  9. S

    Celebrity Big Brother Live Streaming?

    In case a dumb female says something racist again
  10. S

    "Celebrities Condemn Israel Attacks"--disgustingly self-serving hypocrites?

    Are these the same celebs that have said and done nothing during the humanitarian crisis in Gaza during the last 18 months?
  11. S

    Is Cliff Richard dead or just not up to speed on the Internet and uploading tracks?

    Hopefully he'll stay the 2nd one until he's the 1st one. I doubt he did Sue Barker. Cliff Richard is more of a Tim Henman guy
  12. S

    Women in charge would make the world a better place, so why won't...

    ...religions do what's best for the world? The question is no more sexist than saying women on average live longer than men
  13. S

    I need a 2009 grid calendar? ? or...
  14. S

    Do you totally embrace Christmas, or are there aspects you eschew?

    I embrace all the secular aspects and eschew all the religious ones
  15. S

    Why did Fish "n" chips taste better? when they were wrapped in someone Else,s...

    Haha I've been saying this for years! You and some friends go to the chip shop, and for some reason their chips taste nicer than yours. What IS that???
  16. S

    McCann parents release new video.?

    I had a feeling you'd be a Sky News viewer
  17. S

    Do i Look like any celebrity?

    You look a tiny bit like Sarah Cawood but youre better looking than her
  18. S

    Does anybody know any funny pick-up lines ?

    Do you lie on your front when youre in bed? No? Can I then?
  19. S

    R&S wise, what is with women adding the number of their offspring at the end...

    Notice how the ignorant gleefully parade their ignorance when it comes to the legal definition of murder... One wonders if they'd be so vile when confronted with a young girl who'd been made pregnant by being gang-raped by evil men...
  20. S

    poll: bisexual - confused or just plain greedy?

    A principled bisexual is far less confused and greedy than a mixed up straight whore