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  1. L

    Non Christians How Can You Live Without Christ In Your Life?

    Very easily. "if you don’t have Christ in your life you have nothing" is just propaganda spread by churches, designed to make their members afraid to leave. It's not real.
  2. L

    Why is Tom Cruise a Scientologist if Scientology is ..?

    Scientology makes its followers feel very important and special. It's all about gaining more and more "secret knowledge" as you hand over more and more money.
  3. L

    Why is there allways some Atheists kids on here whining about how horrible there

    Trolls are supposed to at least try to be funny.
  4. L

    Atheists: Are you upset over the insults people giving you in this section?

    I''m not upset, no. I'm glad that the believers who do it show their true colors by handing out insults instead of the "love" they claim to display.
  5. L

    Christians: what do you think about this bit of prophecy coming true?

    They're talking about eliminating the one dollar bill and switching to a one dollar coin. How on earth did some fundie misinterpret that to mean the world was switching to one currency???? Honestly, it's as if fundamentalists have no reading comprehension skills.
  6. L

    Why did prophecies of science fail, like an overpopulation myth?

    Did that make sense when you wrote it?
  7. L

    What are some of the prophecies in the bible that have come or are coming true?

    The ones that are always true, such as "People will run to and fro," "there will be wars and rumors of war," "there will be earthquakes in divers places," and "people will be lovers of money."
  8. L

    Daily Bible Question: Is there any 'Messianic' prophecy in the Old Testament

    Yes, quite a few. According to the Bible, the Messiah would build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28), gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6), usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. "Nation shall not lift up sword against...
  9. L

    Atheists: Can you give me examples of your "Witty" humor?

    Not to someone determined to sneer.
  10. L

    If I'd ranted that the Atheists had caused all the worlds wars instead of...

    Maybe. Irrational hatred of atheists has a lot more support than irrational hatred of Jews. Christian groups would hand out awards and throw money at anyone who preaches that atheists are evil, immoral freaks of nature.
  11. L

    Who else started a religion besides Christ, Budda, and Muhammad?

    Actually Jesus didn't start Christianity. Paul is a much more likely candidate. I'm sure many of the hundreds of other religions were started by individuals. L. Ron Hubbard started Scientology, the Raelians follow a single leader, and I'm sure there were many religions in the past that...
  12. L

    Question about music memorization and Suzuki...?

    It's good to learn how to memorize, but I personally don't ask my students to memorize any more than the occasional piece. I fully agree with asking you to play with accompaniment. Ensemble playing is one of the most important skills in music.
  13. L

    Atheists, can all the "end times prophecies" be reduced to these things?

    I think it's mostly vague "prophecies" that can be shoehorned into almost any situation. People have believed that morals were deteriorating and concluded that the end was certainly near for thousands of years now.
  14. L

    Bible Prophecy/Floods/Earthquakes/Volcanoes/Natural Disasters?

    I'm old enough to remember that 1973 was definitely the date for the return of Jesus because it was 25 years, or one generation, after the formation of modern Israel. Floods, earthquakes and volcanoes were happening then, too. 1973 came and went, then they were saying that 1978 was definitely...
  15. L

    Are the tireless rants on the internet a good indication of how God is patient...

    Or it's a good indication that there's no god out there to get offended.
  16. L

    So..the idea of Lilith being Adam's first wife came from Judaism, right?

    It came from ancient Hebrew myths, dating from a time before Judaism became the religion it is now. Do you think only those who believe in the Greek gods are allowed to mention myths about Aphrodite?
  17. L

    Non-Christians - Did you know that not believing in Christ is a sin worse than

    Yes, I noticed that. That's just one more reason it can't be true.
  18. L

    WHY!? do atheists come to r&s & then complain that they are being confronted?

    Usually what we complain about is having the standards of a religion we don't follow forced on us in real life. This is a better place to complain about it than the cooking section, don't you agree? If we have something to say to the religious, isn't a religion forum the best place for it...
  19. L

    WHY!? do atheists come to r&s & then complain that they are being confronted?

    Usually what we complain about is having the standards of a religion we don't follow forced on us in real life. This is a better place to complain about it than the cooking section, don't you agree? If we have something to say to the religious, isn't a religion forum the best place for it...