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  1. J

    Aren't we all training doing MMA?

    No. MMA does not mean combining more than one art. That is a common practice today, but that doesn't define mma. MMA is a sport that allow peope a variety of martial arts styles to compete under one umbrella. Prior to its creation a judoka did not compete against a karateka or boxer. But under...
  2. J

    Karate Shorin-Ryu, Kendo, Iaido or Kenjutsu?

    Liondancer pretty much covered it.
  3. J

    if you have experience in one martial art , where would you start in another?

    Most likly you will start as a beginners since that is what you really would be. But in judo and bjj they are som similar it might depend on the instructor. They might not start you at the beginning.
  4. J

    Got any advice for my sitting position in martial arts (Seiza)?

    This is a common thing in martial arts. Most people can't sit in Seiza when they first begin. It takes a little while. You more you do it the easier and better it becomes. You need to do this away from the dojo as well. You will find this helps. There are 2 sitting position common in martial...
  5. J

    I'm getting very discouraged in karate, I don't know what to do?

    Like others have stated. Talk with your instructor. It sounds like some things in the dojo needs to be addressed. Other things you have to address within yourself. It may be easier said than done for some, but you have to let go of what other say or how they treat you. You are there to train...
  6. J

    Your experience in the Martial Arts?

    No. I don't have the experience, the knowledge or the desire to write a book about my style. I'll leave that to other people. I just enjoy the journey, learning, and sharing.
  7. J

    Why is karate for defense only when they teach you punching and stuff?

    Karate-do say the is no first attack in karate. It is for self defense. This doesn't mean you can't be the first person to strike. If you are threaten and feel that you are in danger you can strike first and it will be considered self defense. Self defense is not a felony. According to the law...
  8. J

    question about karate and taekwondo belts?

    There are schools that use belts as a way to make additional money. In my opinion that is not a good practice. They charge inflating high fees for belts and testing. In my opinion there is no way to justify this. If it cost $20 to test for yellow belt it should be $20 to test for brown or black...
  9. J

    What do you call this karate move?

    This is not a martial arts technique. It is a kip up. I learned to do this as a young child. I saw it in a Bruce Lee movie. Like mos kids I was trying to imitate what I saw. My gym teacher saw me trying while we were on the mat learning how to do rolls for gymnastics. He gave me a couple of...
  10. J

    Kenpo karate instructor not fair?

    I've said this I don't know how many times in the recent past. Do not compare yourself to other. Don't worry about other, just focus on what you need to do to improve. people spend too much time concerned with their rank and the rank of others. It really doesn't matter. What should matter the...
  11. J

    No Social Experiences Due to Martial Arts?

    Martial Arts should provide some social experiences. But I understand that you are looking for some outside of where you train. You must decide what is important. In life you need to have some balance. Maybe you are training a little too much. Maybe you should train in just BJJ or Kickboxing...
  12. J

    which martial arts should i learn?

    Don't expect to be proficient in any martial art after only 2 years of training. You will learn some things that will help in the event of an attack, but no one can guarantee how reliable you will be at using those techniques in such a short period of time. Some people will be able but others...
  13. J

    which martial arts should i learn?

    Don't expect to be proficient in any martial art after only 2 years of training. You will learn some things that will help in the event of an attack, but no one can guarantee how reliable you will be at using those techniques in such a short period of time. Some people will be able but others...
  14. J

    i have taken karate for almost a year and am about to test for my black...

    I don't mean any harm, but if you are taking a black belt teat after only a year in martial arts you need to find a new school. I doesn't matter if you fight full contact or not. It is impossible that a person will have all of the knowledge and techniques of a black belt in a years time. It...
  15. J

    Do you need to start over in karate when you move?

    It depends on the dojo where he go. Some dojo will accept your rank from other schools. Others will require that you start from the beginning. If it is the same style of karate most will accept your rank. There are places that will evaluate you to determine if you meet their standards for the...
  16. J

    Is this karate place a McDojo?

    After viewing their about us(our program) section this is not the place that I would train. They have little dragons program. What practical self defense skills are they teaching 4 year old. Black belt program? UMA - study of a many different arts but no clear direction of one art? XMA- not a...
  17. J

    Is it possible for someone to karate chop someones arm off?

    Absolutely not! There is no such thing as a karate chop in martial arts. If somene is going to chop your arm off thy will need an huge sharp blade.
  18. J

    to anybody who is experienced in martial arts of any kind: how should i...

    No martial arts trick fix will help you at this point. Do you really think you can take a couple classes and have the ability to defend yourself against multiple attackers? You need to continue to call the police. Have them drive through more frequently. Video tape them if possible. Use that...
  19. J

    How can i get better at dodging and be more elusive?

    Just continue to practice. If you have a good instructor they will tell you what to do to correct your bad habits. Your timing should improve with practice.
  20. J

    Whats The Diffrence Between Karate & Jujitsu?

    There are differences in the arts. The differences may not be as much as many think. In karate and in jujitsu you should learn strikes, kicks and joint locks standing, kneeling, and on the ground. That is if you have a good knowledgeable instructor. You should learn self defense and how to...