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  1. D

    Are gays practicing 21st Century McCarthyism after the defeat of

    California's Proposition 8? This is pretty interesting. Is this what the left means when they say they are all about "tolerance, acceptance and diversity'? Sorry I meant...
  2. D

    Why cant 9/11 conspiracy theorists understand simple physics?

    I keep asking the wackos to research ValuJet 592, where a DC9 crashed into WATER and essentially disappeared. This will help them understand how a Boeing 757 can essentially disappear when it slams into concrete and steel. Sadly, they never do, or they choose to ignore the simple fact that...
  3. D

    What do think about the bailout for American car companies.?

    No, it will hurt. The Big Three have been basket cases for decades, and their day of reckoning has come. I for one am looking forward to the looting and riots of the UAW folks when they walk up to find locked gates.
  4. D

    What do think about the bailout for American car companies.?

    No, it will hurt. The Big Three have been basket cases for decades, and their day of reckoning has come. I for one am looking forward to the looting and riots of the UAW folks when they walk up to find locked gates.
  5. D

    What is an "American Car", exactly?

    With the Big Three begging for bailouts and the political rhetoric about "saving" jobs in high gear, I would like to ask the above question. What is an American Car? Is it a Ford built in Mexico? A Chrysler built in Canada? A Honda built in Ohio? A Mercedes built in Alabama? When we talk...
  6. D

    Am I being green or non-green by picking up my dog's load with plastic bags?

    Help me out please: When I walk my dog, I take along two plastic bags. When she drops her load, I put one of the plastic bags over my hand, pick up the load, then put the load and the first plastic bag into the other plastic bag for eventual disposal in a garbage can. This poses a dilemma. I...
  7. D

    Are you an employee in the private sector who has come to appreciate minor holidays?

    Like the recent Columbus Day holiday? Everybody who works for an entity that has to make a buck to cover the payroll has to work, but all of those unneccessary government bureaucrats get the day off. So we at least get a day with much below average traffic. Do you truly appreciate minor holidays?
  8. D

    Should Fox Sports ban Troy Aikman from broadcasting Cowboy games?

    Aikman did the color with Dick Stockton for the Cardinals / Cowboys game on October 12. He was so in the tank for the Cowboys it was sickening. Last week Boomer Esiason called out Aikman for being in the tank. Now before you write it off, consider this: Esiason hates the Cardinals, he thinks...
  9. D

    If productive people have to bail out banks, can't we at least make them... open on crappy holidays? Like today, where banks get the day off for what? Columbus Day?
  10. D

    Did the Cowboy fans at the Cardinals stadium today console themselves

    with a postgame burrito? A Burrito Supreme no less? Or maybe a Chalupa?
  11. D

    Why does Hollywood keep casting ultimate Nancy Boy Leonardo DiCaprio in tough...

    ...guy roles? What's next? Liberace as James Bond?
  12. D

    Auburn rules 2008 BCS National Champs whine Bama b/c we are going to win it...

    Yeah good one, sport. Would have had a loss to sorry Tennessee but not for a stupid Tennessee QB.
  13. D

    Am I alone in my total disgust of politics?

    No you're not alone. I'm a 20+ year registered Libertarian who now just enjoys the show as the Demopublicans and Republicrats slug it out.
  14. D

    Is the ridiculous "Palin covers for daughter" rumor a good thing in a backhanded way?

    Is the ridiculous "Palin covers for daughter" rumor a good thing in a backhanded way? Today we have the ridiculous nonsense that Sarah Palin covered for her pregnant daughter. This is vicious, ridiculous pile of garbage of course, but if you think about it it might be a good thing. If this is...
  15. D

    Are the rumors of smoke billowing out of Hillary's ears this morning true or false?

    There's a rumor going around that smoke could literally be seen pouring from Hillary's ears when she heard about the Palin pick. I have not been able to confirm or deny this rumor. Do you have any evidence one way or the other? Another one has Michelle Obama's ears spewing smoke as well but I...
  16. D

    Were the executives of American and United Airlines forced to go along with the

    9/11 conspiracy? Since the government willfully destroyed two Boeing 757s and two Boeing 767s belonging to United and American, did they force the executives of those companies to willingly give up four aircraft for destruction or did the executives do it willingly? How did those executives...
  17. D

    Refuting 9/11 conspiracy theorists some more.?

    I still haven't had an unemployed conspiracy theorist explain to me how a Boeing 757 made of aluminum, plastic and various other composites would not disintegrate into a bunch of itty bitty bits after playing lawn darts at several hundred MPH with concrete and steel, when in 1996 a ValuJet DC9...
  18. D

    Could the internet be considered a Libertarian environment?

    Yes, I would agree with that in general. Keep in mind you would have to find the right forum of course. I'm a Libertarian and have 20 plus "suspensions" under my belt here for not parroting leftist ideology. But I fight the good fight in the battle of ideas anyway.