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  1. S

    Introducing Puppy to Older Dog (Dachshund)?

    You probably want to take this very slow under these circumstances. I'd start with taking a towel or something with each of the dogs scent and then introduce it to the opposite dog. (did that make sense? Take your 7 year-old dachshund towel with scent and bring it to the puppy. Take the puppies...
  2. S

    Staged Hunting For Dogs?

    I think they're debating putting in a really neat, new dog park in my town, so I'm excited for that. There's also dog days at the local pool- just for the dogs so I don't think they would add something like that- but it does sound fun.
  3. S

    Why are dogs.... good att...?

    It's their instinct's This is why we can only have responsible breeders breeding dogs or else the dog/breed will lose their breed instincts.
  4. S

    Dowloading .wav files from the internet?

    I am taking an online class on Macromedia Flash and for one of the projects we have to make at least 10 or more buttons with a sound (using action scripting) and you have to be able to use your keyboard as well as clicking on the button for the sound. So I can click on the apple and I can type a...
  5. S

    Good Food or Bad Food?

    Is Science diet a good food brand for my dog? I know about all the purina and other brands like that and I heard that science diet wasn't too great either? Is it? I feed my dog science diet adult large breed.
  6. S

    How to do dog introductions correct?

    We are taking my 1 year golden/lab mix to PA for the weekend at my Aunt's and Uncles and they have an 8 year old Australian Shepard. (male) I just want to make sure and check that we're doing all the introductions correct. So we have better chances they get along better since they'll be living...