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  1. P

    Where are all those people going on photoshop? - Photoshop newbie?

    Adobe Photoshop is a computer program, is a website.
  2. P

    HELP! Fish tank is failing, tropical community with small fish!!!?

    I used to have 8 fish in my ten gallon tank, three guppies, two cherry barbs, a chinese algae eater, a lochte and a small catfish..They've started to drop like flies! First I lost the guppy and I thought i was just you know, a sick fish considering it was the day after I purchased it. Then the...
  3. P

    how will i know when he is ready to kiss?

    so i have dated 5 guys and now i'm on relationship number 6 ... this boyfriend is great : nice, funny, cute, polite, the works... but he has never been in a relationship before and he has never kissed anyone he has been kinda waiting around for me for the past two years... and after liking each...