Search results

  1. G

    Poll/Survey: Twilight Readers!!! Twilight Fans?!! ?

    This survey is ONLY on Twilight 1. whats your favorite part of the book? 2. whos ur fave character? 3. rate the book 1-10 ...1 being really bad ..10 being awesome 4. what was the part u hated most? 5. what part suprised u? 6. r u going to see the movie? if so when? 7. team edward or jacob...
  2. G

    Is the rumor true...That Santa's dead?

    Noo its sooo not true!! TRUST ME I KNOW STUFF !! pls help me:;_ylt=AqH45vtB2usYKaPQaQEFXDXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081112145617AAGQR2I
  3. G

    Would you/Have you hike(d) the Appalachian Trail?

    Why or why not?
  4. G

    Are you gay? (use at least 20 letters ugh!)?

    If so why?