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  1. G

    What are some technology ideas for the future that could be used criminally?

    3D "printing" machines are just about at the point where they can "print" any firearm reliably. There are videos of a working automatic assault weapon that was assembled entirely from parts made by a machine that was given the dimension data for each part. This is scary because a person...
  2. G

    Physics Project, Projectile Motion examples in Karate?

    The motion of Nunchuku is very complex and so it is not easily explained in terms of the physics involved. A Shuriken (pointed star) is simpler and would make an awesome long exposure or a strobed exposure photograph, especially if it is a profile of the trajectory showing the effect of gravity...
  3. G

    Christians why do you argue with anyone about Christianity?

    God may have told you this. He also said not to call your neighbor a fool as it puts you in danger of hellfire. That is in the New Testament. There is such a thing as being able to give reason for the hope that is within us. I simply answer questions .
  4. G

    what is my religion/ religious position?

    Undecided and indecisive. Agnostic
  5. G

    atheists will you be interested in a religion which describe time travel thousand...

    This here's the "Show Me " state. Atheists demand evidence and if presented with it will refute it. It is the game that never ends it just goes on and on, my friend some people started playing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue playing it forever , just because....rinse...
  6. G

    Is believing in prayer to God to show me my future through my dreams...

    It is possible but I don't know if you should ask for this. I never asked to have dreams come to pass . It just happens to people. You can become delusional if you think every dream is a message from God. Some dreams are just your subconscious working out things. You know how it feels when a...
  7. G

    Please share with me who in your life is the most "Christ-like" person you...

    One was an atheist friend who influenced a lot of musicians. He was passionate about the arts and would go out of his way to pour himself into other players to teach them. He never noticed a slight or talked ill of people . He seemed oblivious to politics and networking and if I bothered to...
  8. G

    What are your NFL Predictions for the 2008 season?

    List each team, final record, and break down each round of the playoffs.
  9. G

    Should I buy a Kia Sportage?

    I am looking to buy a used suv. I like the look of a 2005 kia sportage, and it is in my price range with low miles. Does anyone have one a 2005 or later model?