Search results

  1. L

    Is this snowmobile worth $800? 4500 miles on it.
  2. L

    What is the most popular religion in your trailer park?

    Here in our trailer park there is a lot of turn over. Some drink up the rent money, and get thrown out. Others get hauled off by the police, never to be seen again. Here in the wilds of Tennessee, I estimate our park to be over 70% Southern Baptists. I have been told many times that only...
  3. L

    Should a child be reprimanded for saying jesus christ?

    For Christ's sake ,,,,,,,NO !
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    What are some interesting Archaeology puzzle topics?

    I need some interesting topics for my archaeology project. The topic could be on anything archaeology related. And what i mean by puzzle is that there are some unsolved archaeological sites such as the Battle of Infernal Cavers and Battle of Little Big Horn in which were not fully understood by...
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    i have just brought the iphone 4.I've had it a day and suddenly there is a

    blue line. going through the screen? the line goes from top to bottom.I've tried turning it on and off and resetting factory settings but its still there. Any ideas at what the problem is would be great thanks..
  6. L

    Relationship advice,,?

    i want to lay my sweet cUUUm in you
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    Spiritually wondering, what was the last vacation you went on?

    Spring Break. Caribbean Cruise.
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    How can we build a bridge between the Atheist and Christian communities?

    It is only the fanatic fringe of both sides that have a problem. As in all things those in the middle are actually closer together than they would appear and don't need a bridge.
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    Dating a girl you did meet over the internet?

    I wouldn't call it desperate for the fact that you can meet her and she doesn't live across the country and you have to literally date her over the internet or phone. That would be desperate and a little stupid. I think true love can find you anywhere. Maybe you were meant to meet this girl like...
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    If you are smart enough, solve this riddle!?

    Right now Mum is 21 years older then her child. In 6 years her child will be 5 times younger than she. Where is Daddy?
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    where can i get free updates 4 my garmin gps?

    it is an E-trex model.
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    WHom do you think is the most under-rated celebrity? ?

    Actor/actress or any other person...
  13. L

    Dodge caravan wont start?

    check all the connections & look 4 an in-line fuse.clean battery post also.
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    Why are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future?

    none of it matters we're all just gonna die.
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    What is the point of charitable events like the MS bike ride?

    people pledge money on their riders mileage, farther they ride more money raised.
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    What question would you ask a man or woman from the future?

    What were the winning Mega Lottery Numbers for next Tuesday.