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  1. B

    If the muslim religion is so peaceful, can someone explain this to me?

    On the one hand, there's a billion Muslims in the world. On the other hand, they do all the beheadings and wrap their women up in drapes, as if anyone would want their women., and their prophet was a bloodthirsty pedophile. Bottom line, Muslims suck, just not enough to burn down a mosque.
  2. B

    Would Conservatives whine about the Minnesota recount if it showed Coleman...

    ...won by 1000 votes? Would you whine about Franken being a loser if he filed a lawsuit, keeping Coleman from going back to the Senate? the recount could had widened the margin of victory for Coleman. the recount was automatic for such a close election, out of Franken's and Colemans hands.
  3. B

    Why are retarded conservatives whining about Obama supporters being stupid?

    Is it to compensate for having a full blown idiot like Sarah Palin sleected as VP candidate? Are tey coming to the realization people have woke up to see that Republicans have ruined the country? Are they mad because they weren't able to rig this election as they did the previous 2 elections? Or...
  4. B

    Think Sarah Palin will have a place in national politics after November 4th?

    Pretty much a given McCain will lose big. But he'll be back in the senate.
  5. B

    John McCain has said Ebay is the future of the economy , so why the hell would you... for that idiot? God, Ebay is a gouging monopoly the engages in every rule and law bending possible to they reap in monster profits. Nothing more than a glorified garage sale. What this tells me is John McCain is far more stupid about the ecnomy than what he even admits to. Or would...
  6. B

    Why is the Bush administration engaging in a witch hunt for "Voter Fraud" as

    Why is the Bush administration engaging in a witch hunt for "Voter Fraud" as they did in 2006? Is it because Republicans know suppressing voter turnout, disqualifying eligible voters, rigging machine that count votes and other means is the only way to keep them in power?
  7. B

    Is there a hidden powerful conspiracy to get Obama elected as president?

    NO Wah wah wah, poor wittle conservative trying to find a conspiracy where none exists.
  8. B

    If Bob Dole can use the internet, why can't John McCain?

    Bob Dole REALLY does have a cripple hand! Bet he knows how to email, but he's also a rather smart guy. Should the old John McCain was a POW so he has the right to stay ignorant be continued to be used as an excuse???????
  9. B

    Is Sarah Palin a bona-fide butt-kicker?Would she chase down terrorists like hunting

    a moose in the wilderness? do conservatives have any idea how stupid that sounds?
  10. B

    Will Sarah Palin go on the Ellen DeGeneres show as did John McCain? That shut up...

    ...those whining about Oprah? Or will she stay away from Ellen DeGeneres, because Ellen is a sinful evil married lesbian, unlike her pregnant daughter?
  11. B

    Why are conservatives whining about Oprah not having Sarah Palin on her TV show?

    When it's Sarah Palin whose the yellow bellied coward for not going on ANY TV show! Bet ANY television journalist would LOVE to interview her now! Example: Palin could go on any Sunday morning news show like "Face the Nation" and should this weekend , if not for being gutless. Hmm, "liberal"...
  12. B

    Why compare Obama to Lincoln, when Obama doesn't follow what Lincoln said?

    Gee, Lincoln didn't say those things, feel silly now?
  13. B

    Is that anything else to do in Alaska besides shoot moose, get drunk, drive...

    ...snowmobiles and have sex? That's about all I can figure the Palin family does in Alaska.
  14. B

    Should John McCain tell Democrats he was a POW for 5 years, so they

    shouldn't complain about his bad temper? That since Durbin and Boxer weren't ever POW's, just what the hell would they know? Should he tell Dick Durbin to go f--- himself, or should Dick Cheney? Should he tell Barbara Boxer that she's a...